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Messages posté(e)s par flacon030

  1. le parafoudre n'a pas déclenché et oui je suis sur du cheminement de la foudre sur mon installation éléctrique

    L'impacte a été suffisant pour griller certains appareilles électronique sensible, mais pas suffisant pour déclencher les parafoudre

    L'onduleur par exemple s'allume, mais la carte datamanager est HS

    Idem pour mon ampli denon, il s'allume, mais se met en sécurité avec un code défaut sécurité

    L'ecodevice continue a compter les litres de mes compteur d'eau mais ne communique plus avec le linky

    La plaque de cuisson idem elle se met en sécurité, et d'autres appareils on eux grillés, comme le four, mon ampli yamaha, certains modules fibaro, ect

    L’énergie se dissipe a mesure qu'elle parcoure les différents circuits électrique

    • Sad 1

  2. effectivement après avoir creusé un peut le sujet c'est effectivement peut recommandé sur une habitation d'avoir un paratonnerre


    Et oui je suis bien en 6mm pour la terre des panneaux, oui il y a bien aussi un parafoudre sur la ligne DC des panneaux

    Et non la terre n'a rien


  3. oui je pense que c'est passé par les panneaux, la foudre est tombé a quelques centimètre de ces derniers

    C'est ensuite passé par l'onduleur et les batteries, et c'est remonté sur le disjoncteur principal que c'est mis en cour circuit sur deux phases, et c'est ensuite remonté dans tous le tableau electrique


    Au niveau assurance j'avais pris un contrat avec remboursement valeur a neuf sur sept ans sans decote

    Mais il faut une une facture de réparabilité quant c'est possible ou de non réparabilité quant la produit est HS

    bref cela va prendre un temps fou pour tous faire expertisé

    Pour l'onduleur et la climatisation, vu que je suis installateur, je devrais pouvoir faire les document avec ma societé

    pour le reste il faut que je fasse tous expertisé


    Du coup c'est vrai que l'on ne voie jamais de paratonnerre sur les maison, mais je me pose la question de l'utilité...



  4. Bonjour a tous


    La foudre viens de tomber sur mon toit

    résultat beaucoup d'appareils grillé, dont plus de 20 modules fibaro sur les 80

    Sans compté l'onduleur, les batteries, mes amplis home cinéma, des éléments dans la cuisine comme la plaque de cuisson ou le four, le portier doorbird, ect...

    Les parafoudres non pas déclenchés

    il y a eu un arc électrique dans le disjoncteur principal entre deux phase (je suis en triphasé)


    Ma question est qui a un paratonnerre et ou l'avez vous acheter?

    • Sad 6

  5. j'avoue que cela me tente bien

    Il y a un QA pour la gestion de thermostat, donc cela doit fonctionner sans problème mais c'est de type switch ON/OFF donc non compatible avec une climatisation dommage...

    La question est comment sont reconnue et gérées les scènes, et les devices tel que les éclairages

    il semble que cela fonctionne comme il faut de ce coté la


    Petite vidéo du produite et de sa configuration



  6. Bonjour a tous


    Je viens de recevoir un mail pour un nouveau produit compatible fibaro

    Un controleur tactil





    I found your details on Fibaro's website and thought our product might solve some problems for your customers.


    Rithum Switch is designed and developed in the UK and works well with Fibaro (or Yubii Home) and other brands, such as Sonos & Homey.


    You can view a short product deck here, but essentially it is a touch panel the size of a light switch/keypad that offers a few different screens to control clients systems: Scenes, Levels, Media, & Climate. It's really easy to set up and incredibly responsive.


    The Fibaro integration is particularly deep as we have two free QuickApps that enable our temperature sensor data to be used as a climate zone within Fibaro, meaning no additional thermostat is required. You can read more on that here.


    Would you be interested in a demo unit to play around with and show to potential clients?


    Kind regards,
    Ryan Ovens

    Founder & CEO   
    +44 7415 213 637
    Rithum Ltd, 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX
    • Like 5

  7. Bonjour a tous

    Voici mon petit bilan pour 2023

    Il est a la hauteur de mes espérances

    Une autosuffisance de 74%

    une consommation annuel de 7,04Mwh

    Dont 1,85Mwh du réseau

    2,06Mwh de mes batteries

    3,13Mwh de la production directe des panneaux

    Se qui a permis d’économiser 1104€ pour 2023

    C'est cout sont or abonnement, je suis en tarif de base, aucun intérêt pour moi d'avoir des heures creuses et pleines vu que j'ai une batterie et que je consomme 95% de se que je produit


    Le ohmpilot a été mis en cour d'année en aout 2023 du coup il n'y a pas un gros gain cette année, et en plus l'essentiel du surplus part dans la batterie

    Avec le recule je pense qu'il serait plus avantageux pour ma part d'ajouter un module batterie de 2,76Kw supplémentaire pour avoir 13824Wh de stockage pour éviter la réinjection

    En plus cela permet de moins taper dans les cycles de charge décharge de la batterie, et donc de prolonger sa durée de vie

    Chose que je viens de faire en début d'année

    Le ohmpilot me sert essentiellement a chauffer mon sous sol en inter saison (mars avril, octobre novembre) et a chauffer l'eau de mon spa en mai juin juillet aout septembre) a 32°C

    En conclusion a ce jour je pense avoir atteint les objectifs





    • Like 1

  8. Je viens de les intégrer aussi a home assistant

    La aussi il y a une petite subtilité, il faut créer un user local sur l'udm pro pour que les cameras fonction sous HA

    unifi camera ha.png

    ha unifi.png

    • Like 1

  9. pour le moment j'ai mis les ESP32 sur le connecteur CN110 sur les deux splits qui ne me pose pas de problème comme notre chambre et le salon, car personne ne touche jamais aux consignes, elles fonctionnent avec GEA en tous automatique

    Seul la chambre d'amis et le bureau restent pour le moment en melcloud pour que je puisse avoir un retour d’état, car la les personnes y touchent régulièrement, et mes scenarios de remise a T° ne fonctionneront plus sans connaitre les modifications de T° effectué par les personnes

    il faudra que je fasse un essais sur le CN105 pour voir si cela fonctionne normalement ou pas (je n'ai pas tester)

    Si le probleme vient vient bien du CN110 dans ce cas il faudrait effectivement faire une interrogation toutes les 60 secondes par exemple ( car je viens de faire un essai sur plus de 5 minutes et rien ne remonte sur l'ESP32)


    Donc si il y la possibilité de faire les modifications je suis preneur pour que le QA fasse une interrogation a intervalle régulier


    Et je confirme que le melcloud fait des interrogations a intervalle régulier

  10. voici se qui se passe quant je modifie le mode de fonctionnement de la clim sur l’écran

    Pour info si cela peut aider, il n'y a aucune modification dans la page web de l'ESP32 non plus

    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"message":"PingRequest","fields":{}}]
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "PingRequest" found in queue at index 2
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:pong({})
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingResponse", {})
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("PingResponse", {}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("PingResponse", {})
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "PingResponse" => id 8 
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 08
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [17:15:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() data transmitted
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:01] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:01] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:01] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:01] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: loop(30)
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:01] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Total memory in use by Lua : 1699.41 KB, CPU consumed : 521.96 ms ( 0.435 % )
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:01] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: refreshStatus(function())
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:04] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:07] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:07] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:07] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:10] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:ping(75)
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingRequest", {}, "PingResponse", true, false, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("PingRequest", {}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("PingRequest", {})
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "PingRequest" => id 7 
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 07
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 3 bytes
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 00 08
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse("")
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 3 
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 3 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 0 
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 8 => "PingResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 3, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[1]
      1 = table[2]
        "message" = "PingResponse"
        "fields" = table[0]
          [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"message":"PingResponse","fields":{}}]
          [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "PingResponse" found in queue at index 4
          [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "PingResponse" removed from queue at index 4
          [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() response received
          [15.02.2024] [17:16:11] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:ping() success()
          [15.02.2024] [17:16:13] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
          [15.02.2024] [17:16:13] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
            [15.02.2024] [17:16:13] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
            [15.02.2024] [17:16:16] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
            [15.02.2024] [17:16:19] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
            [15.02.2024] [17:16:19] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
            [15.02.2024] [17:16:19] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])



    Status de l'ESP32 alors que j'ai demander une mise en marche en chaud sur l'afficheur, idem avec la télécommande 

    L'ESP32 reste en OFF


    Et je confirme que l'ESP32 ne semble pas réagir si je manipule l'afficheur ou la télécommande, car je voie bien quant j'envoie une demande par l4ESP32 il dialogue beaucoup plus


    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"message":"PingRequest","fields":{}}]
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "PingRequest" found in queue at index 2
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:pong({})
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingResponse", {})
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("PingResponse", {}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("PingResponse", {})
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "PingResponse" => id 8 
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 08
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:22] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() data transmitted
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:24] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: loop(30)
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:24] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Total memory in use by Lua : 1595.68 KB, CPU consumed : 309.75 ms ( 0.516 % )
    [15.02.2024] [17:41:24] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: refreshStatus(function())
      [15.02.2024] [17:41:25] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
      [15.02.2024] [17:41:25] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:25] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:27] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:ping(75)
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:27] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingRequest", {}, "PingResponse", true, false, table[2])
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:27] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:27] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingRequest", {}, "PingResponse", true, false, table[2], 1708015287)
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:27] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:27] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingRequest", {}, "PingResponse", true, false, table[2], 1708015287)
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingRequest", {}, "PingResponse", true, false, table[2], 1708015287)
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("PingRequest", {}, "PingResponse", true, false, table[2], 1708015287)
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("PingRequest", {}, table[2])
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("PingRequest", {})
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "PingRequest" => id 7 
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 07
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 3 bytes
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII : ...
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 00 08
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse("")
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 3 
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 3 - index = 1 
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 0 
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 8 => "PingResponse" 
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 3, "table")
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[1]
      1 = table[2]
        "message" = "PingResponse"
        "fields" = table[0]
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"message":"PingResponse","fields":{}}]
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "PingResponse" found in queue at index 4
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "PingResponse" removed from queue at index 4
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() response received
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:ping() success()
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:31] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
        [15.02.2024] [17:41:31] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
          [15.02.2024] [17:41:31] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
          [15.02.2024] [17:41:33] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: loop(30)

    ca c'est se que j'ai avec un ordre effectue sur l'ESP32

    je n'ai rien de tel avec un ordre effectué sur la télécommande ou l'afficheur mural




  11. si non la total

    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [TRACE] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: QuickApp Mitsubishi v2.00 - Initialization - Parent device
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [TRACE] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [TRACE] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: QuickApp Mitsubishi - Initialization - Child device #859 Temperature split Chambre deux
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Using tools library v2.30
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Using ESPHome library v2.00
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure("tcp", "", 6053)
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "HomeassistantServiceMap" => field "key" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "HomeassistantServiceMap" => field "value" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ListEntitiesServicesArgument" => field "name" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ListEntitiesServicesArgument" => field "type" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "bool_" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "legacy_int" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "float_" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "string_" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "int_" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:46] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "bool_array" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "int_array" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "float_array" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "ExecuteServiceArgument" => field "string_array" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothServiceData" => field "uuid" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothServiceData" => field "legacy_data" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothServiceData" => field "data" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothLERawAdvertisement" => field "address" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothLERawAdvertisement" => field "rssi" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothLERawAdvertisement" => field "address_type" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothLERawAdvertisement" => field "data" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTDescriptor" => field "uuid" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTDescriptor" => field "handle" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTCharacteristic" => field "uuid" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTCharacteristic" => field "handle" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTCharacteristic" => field "properties" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTCharacteristic" => field "descriptors" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTService" => field "uuid" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTService" => field "handle" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "BluetoothGATTService" => field "characteristics" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "VoiceAssistantAudioSettings" => field "noise_suppression_level" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "VoiceAssistantAudioSettings" => field "auto_gain" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "VoiceAssistantAudioSettings" => field "volume_multiplier" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "VoiceAssistantEventData" => field "name" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:configure() option message_id not found for message "VoiceAssistantEventData" => field "value" ignored
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome library v2.00 successfully initialized
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome URL : tcp:// 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Refresh interval : 30 seconds
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:47] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Temperature sensor : #689 MH9 Temperature Chambre deux (com.fibaro.temperatureSensor) => 20.7°C
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:50] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: loop(30)
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:getDurationInString()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:removeViewLayoutItem()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:distributeViewLayoutItems()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:getDeviceNotification()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:WOL()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:isNumber()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:checkVG()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:getDeviceIdByName()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:getViewLayoutItemIndex()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:base64()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:deepCompare()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:setVG()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:round()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:saveViewLayout()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:isNil()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:split()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:updateSlider()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:setDeviceNotification()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:addViewLayoutItem()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:searchViewLayoutItem()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:getSlider()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:iif()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:createVG()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:deleteVariable()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:urlencode()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:deepFilter()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:isNotNil()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Optimize tools:optimize()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: init(function())
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:getDeviceInfo(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("DeviceInfoRequest", {}, "DeviceInfoResponse", true, false, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() New TCP connection
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:connect(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:connect() connect() success
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("DeviceInfoRequest", {}, "DeviceInfoResponse", true, false, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() New ESPHome login
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:login(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("HelloRequest", {"client_info":"Fibaro HC3-00003815"}, "HelloResponse", true, false, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:51] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("HelloRequest", {"client_info":"Fibaro HC3-00003815"}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("HelloRequest", {"client_info":"Fibaro HC3-00003815"})
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "HelloRequest" => id 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() field name = "client_info" / field type = "string" / field value = "Fibaro HC3-00003815" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() wire LEN id = 2 => "010" / field id = 1 => "00001" ==//==> tag = Hex "0a" => "00001010" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : .....Fibaro HC3-00003815
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 15 01 0a 13 46 69 62 61 72 6f 20 48 43 33 2d 30 30 30 30 33 38 31 35
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 62 bytes
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII : .;......$mitsubishi-room (esphome v2023.12.9)".mitsubishi-room
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 3b 02 08 01 10 09 1a 24 6d 69 74 73 75 62 69 73 68 69 2d 72 6f 6f 6d 20 28 65 73 70 68 6f 6d 65 20 76 32 30 32 33 2e 31 32 2e 39 29 22 0f 6d 69 74 73 75 62 69 73 68 69 2d 72 6f 6f 6d
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse("; $mitsubishi-room (esphome v2023.12.9)"mitsubishi-room")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 62 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 62 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 59 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 2 => "HelloResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 62, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "08" => "00001000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0001" => 1 / type = "uint32" / name = "api_version_major" / value = 1
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "10" => "00010000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0010" => 2 / type = "uint32" / name = "api_version_minor" / value = 9 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "1a" => "00011010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0011" => 3 / type = "string" / name = "server_info" / value = "mitsubishi-room (esphome v2023.12.9)" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "22" => "00100010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0100" => 4 / type = "string" / name = "name" / value = "mitsubishi-room" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[1]
      1 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[4]
          "api_version_minor" = 9
          "name" = "mitsubishi-room"
          "api_version_major" = 1
          "server_info" = "mitsubishi-room (esphome v2023.12.9)"
        "message" = "HelloResponse"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"fields":{"api_version_minor":9,"name":"mitsubishi-room","api_version_major":1,"server_info":"mitsubishi-room (esphome v2023.12.9)"},"message":"HelloResponse"}]
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "HelloResponse" found in queue at index 1
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "HelloResponse" removed from queue at index 1
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() response received
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("ConnectRequest", {}, "ConnectResponse", true, false, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("ConnectRequest", {}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("ConnectRequest", {})
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "ConnectRequest" => id 3 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 03
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 3 bytes
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 00 04
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse("")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 3 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 3 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 0 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 4 => "ConnectResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 3, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[1]
      1 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[0]
        "message" = "ConnectResponse"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"fields":{},"message":"ConnectResponse"}]
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ConnectResponse" found in queue at index 2
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ConnectResponse" removed from queue at index 2
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() response received
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("DeviceInfoRequest", {}, "DeviceInfoResponse", true, false, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("DeviceInfoRequest", {}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("DeviceInfoRequest", {})
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "DeviceInfoRequest" => id 9 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 09
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 103 bytes
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:52] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII :".2023.12.9*.Feb 15 2024, 15:40:592.wemos_d1_mini32PPb.Espressif
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 64 0a 12 0f 6d 69 74 73 75 62 69 73 68 69 2d 72 6f 6f 6d 1a 11 41 30 3a 41 33 3a 42 33 3a 32 36 3a 34 39 3a 30 38 22 09 32 30 32 33 2e 31 32 2e 39 2a 15 46 65 62 20 31 35 20 32 30 32 34 2c 20 31 35 3a 34 30 3a 35 39 32 0f 77 65 6d 6f 73 5f 64 31 5f 6d 69 6e 69 33 32 50 50 62 09 45 73 70 72 65 73 73 69 66
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse("d mitsubishi-roomA0:A3:B3:26:49:08" 2023.12.9*Feb 15 2024, 15:40:592wemos_d1_mini32PPb Espressif")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 103 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 103 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 100 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 10 => "DeviceInfoResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 103, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "12" => "00010010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0010" => 2 / type = "string" / name = "name" / value = "mitsubishi-room" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "1a" => "00011010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0011" => 3 / type = "string" / name = "mac_address" / value = "A0:A3:B3:26:49:08" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "22" => "00100010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0100" => 4 / type = "string" / name = "esphome_version" / value = "2023.12.9" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "2a" => "00101010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0101" => 5 / type = "string" / name = "compilation_time" / value = "Feb 15 2024, 15:40:59" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "32" => "00110010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0110" => 6 / type = "string" / name = "model" / value = "wemos_d1_mini32" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "50" => "01010000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1010" => 10 / type = "uint32" / name = "webserver_port" / value = 80 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "62" => "01100010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "1100" => 12 / type = "string" / name = "manufacturer" / value = "Espressif" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[1]
      1 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[7]
          "compilation_time" = "Feb 15 2024, 15:40:59"
          "manufacturer" = "Espressif"
          "webserver_port" = 80
          "model" = "wemos_d1_mini32"
          "esphome_version" = "2023.12.9"
          "name" = "mitsubishi-room"
          "mac_address" = "A0:A3:B3:26:49:08"
        "message" = "DeviceInfoResponse"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"fields":{"compilation_time":"Feb 15 2024, 15:40:59","manufacturer":"Espressif","webserver_port":80,"model":"wemos_d1_mini32","esphome_version":"2023.12.9","name":"mitsubishi-room","mac_address":"A0:A3:B3:26:49:08"},"message":"DeviceInfoResponse"}]
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "DeviceInfoResponse" found in queue at index 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "DeviceInfoResponse" removed from queue at index 2
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() response received
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Found mitsubishi-room ESPHome 2023.12.9 running on Espressif wemos_d1_mini32 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listEntities(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI(nil, nil, "ListEntitiesSensorResponse", false, true, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI(nil, nil, "ListEntitiesClimateResponse", false, true, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI(nil, nil, "ListEntitiesServicesResponse", false, true, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("ListEntitiesRequest", {}, "ListEntitiesDoneResponse", true, false, table[2])[15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("ListEntitiesRequest", {}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("ListEntitiesRequest", {})
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "ListEntitiesRequest" => id 11 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 0b
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 83 bytes
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII : ..)..set_remote_temperature.���*....temperature....)..use_internal_temperature.Y'��
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 2e 29 0a 16 73 65 74 5f 72 65 6d 6f 74 65 5f 74 65 6d 70 65 72 61 74 75 72 65 15 83 85 be 2a 1a 0f 0a 0b 74 65 6d 70 65 72 61 74 75 72 65 10 02 00 1f 29 0a 18 75 73 65 5f 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 61 6c 5f 74 65 6d 70 65 72 61 74 75 72 65 15 59 27 f9 bd
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse(".) set_remote_temperature���* temperature) use_internal_temperatureY'��")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 83 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 83 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 46 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 41 => "ListEntitiesServicesResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 49, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "0a" => "00001010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0001" => 1 / type = "string" / name = "name" / value = "set_remote_temperature" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "15" => "00010101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "0010" => 2 / type = "fixed32" / name = "key" / value = 717129091 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 35, 49, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "0a" => "00001010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0001" => 1 / type = "string" / name = "name" / value = "temperature" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "10" => "00010000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0010" => 2 / type = enum "ServiceArgType" / name = "type" / value = 2 => "SERVICE_ARG_TYPE_FLOAT"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "1a" => "00011010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0011" => 3 / type = nested "ListEntitiesServicesArgument" repeated / name = "args" / value = {"name":"temperature","type":"SERVICE_ARG_TYPE_FLOAT"} 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 34 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 1 - data_size = 34 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 31 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 41 => "ListEntitiesServicesResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 34, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "0a" => "00001010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0001" => 1 / type = "string" / name = "name" / value = "use_internal_temperature" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "15" => "00010101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "0010" => 2 / type = "fixed32" / name = "key" / value = 3187222361 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[2]
      1 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[3]
          "args" = table[1]
            1 = table[2]
              "name" = "temperature"
              "type" = "SERVICE_ARG_TYPE_FLOAT"
          "key" = 717129091
          "name" = "set_remote_temperature"
        "message" = "ListEntitiesServicesResponse"
      2 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[2]
          "name" = "use_internal_temperature"
          "key" = 3187222361
        "message" = "ListEntitiesServicesResponse"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"fields":{"args":[{"name":"temperature","type":"SERVICE_ARG_TYPE_FLOAT"}],"key":717129091,"name":"set_remote_temperature"},"message":"ListEntitiesServicesResponse"},{"fields":{"name":"use_internal_temperature","key":3187222361},"message":"ListEntitiesServicesResponse"}]
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ListEntitiesServicesResponse" found in queue at index 5
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ListEntitiesServicesResponse" found in queue at index 5
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() response received
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listServicesEntities({"args":[{"name":"temperature","type":"SERVICE_ARG_TYPE_FLOAT"}],"key":717129091,"name":"set_remote_temperature"})
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listServicesEntities({"name":"use_internal_temperature","key":3187222361})[15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listEntities()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:53] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 131 bytes
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII : .}...split_jcb.'L��..Split JCB".mitsubishi-roomclimatesplit_jcb(.�AM..�AU...?`.h.h.h.h.h.h.p.p.�....?�...�A�...�B...
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 7d 2e 0a 09 73 70 6c 69 74 5f 6a 63 62 15 27 4c 87 e6 1a 09 53 70 6c 69 74 20 4a 43 42 22 1f 6d 69 74 73 75 62 69 73 68 69 2d 72 6f 6f 6d 63 6c 69 6d 61 74 65 73 70 6c 69 74 5f 6a 63 62 28 01 38 00 38 01 38 02 38 03 38 04 38 05 45 00 00 80 41 4d 00 00 f8 41 55 00 00 00 3f 60 01 68 02 68 03 68 04 68 05 68 06 68 08 70 00 70 02 ad 01 00 00 00 3f c5 01 00 00 f0 41 cd 01 00 00 c6 42 00 00 13
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse("}. split_jcb'L�� Split JCB"mitsubishi-roomclimatesplit_jcb(888888EAMAU?`hhhhhhpp�?��A��B")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 131 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 131 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 125 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 46 => "ListEntitiesClimateResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 128, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "0a" => "00001010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0001" => 1 / type = "string" / name = "object_id" / value = "split_jcb" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "15" => "00010101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "0010" => 2 / type = "fixed32" / name = "key" / value = 3867626535 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "1a" => "00011010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0011" => 3 / type = "string" / name = "name" / value = "Split JCB" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "22" => "00100010" |-| wire "010" => 2 / type = "LEN" |-| field "0100" => 4 / type = "string" / name = "unique_id" / value = "mitsubishi-roomclimatesplit_jcb" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "28" => "00101000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0101" => 5 / type = "bool" / name = "supports_current_temperature" / value = true 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "38" => "00111000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0111" => 7 / type = enum "ClimateMode" repeated / name = "supported_modes" / value = 0 => "CLIMATE_MODE_OFF"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "38" => "00111000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0111" => 7 / type = enum "ClimateMode" repeated / name = "supported_modes" / value = 1 => "CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT_COOL"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "38" => "00111000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0111" => 7 / type = enum "ClimateMode" repeated / name = "supported_modes" / value = 2 => "CLIMATE_MODE_COOL"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "38" => "00111000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0111" => 7 / type = enum "ClimateMode" repeated / name = "supported_modes" / value = 3 => "CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "38" => "00111000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0111" => 7 / type = enum "ClimateMode" repeated / name = "supported_modes" / value = 4 => "CLIMATE_MODE_FAN_ONLY"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "38" => "00111000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "0111" => 7 / type = enum "ClimateMode" repeated / name = "supported_modes" / value = 5 => "CLIMATE_MODE_DRY"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "45" => "01000101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "1000" => 8 / type = "float" / name = "visual_min_temperature" / value = 16.0 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "4d" => "01001101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "1001" => 9 / type = "float" / name = "visual_max_temperature" / value = 31.0 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "55" => "01010101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "1010" => 10 / type = "float" / name = "visual_target_temperature_step" / value = 0.5 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "60" => "01100000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1100" => 12 / type = "bool" / name = "supports_action" / value = true 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "68" => "01101000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1101" => 13 / type = enum "ClimateFanMode" repeated / name = "supported_fan_modes" / value = 2 => "CLIMATE_FAN_AUTO"[15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "68" => "01101000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1101" => 13 / type = enum "ClimateFanMode" repeated / name = "supported_fan_modes" / value = 3 => "CLIMATE_FAN_LOW"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "68" => "01101000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1101" => 13 / type = enum "ClimateFanMode" repeated / name = "supported_fan_modes" / value = 4 => "CLIMATE_FAN_MEDIUM"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "68" => "01101000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1101" => 13 / type = enum "ClimateFanMode" repeated / name = "supported_fan_modes" / value = 5 => "CLIMATE_FAN_HIGH"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "68" => "01101000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1101" => 13 / type = enum "ClimateFanMode" repeated / name = "supported_fan_modes" / value = 6 => "CLIMATE_FAN_MIDDLE"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "68" => "01101000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1101" => 13 / type = enum "ClimateFanMode" repeated / name = "supported_fan_modes" / value = 8 => "CLIMATE_FAN_DIFFUSE"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "70" => "01110000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1110" => 14 / type = enum "ClimateSwingMode" repeated / name = "supported_swing_modes" / value = 0 => "CLIMATE_SWING_OFF"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "70" => "01110000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1110" => 14 / type = enum "ClimateSwingMode" repeated / name = "supported_swing_modes" / value = 2 => "CLIMATE_SWING_VERTICAL"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "ad" => "10101101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "00000010101" => 21 / type = "float" / name = "visual_current_temperature_step" / value = 0.5 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "c5" => "11000101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "00000011000" => 24 / type = "float" / name = "visual_min_humidity" / value = 30.0 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "cd" => "11001101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "00000011001" => 25 / type = "float" / name = "visual_max_humidity" / value = 99.0 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 3 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 1 - data_size = 3 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 0 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 19 => "ListEntitiesDoneResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 3, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[2]
      1 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[15]
          "supported_swing_modes" = table[2]
            1 = "CLIMATE_SWING_OFF"
            2 = "CLIMATE_SWING_VERTICAL"
          "unique_id" = "mitsubishi-roomclimatesplit_jcb"
          "visual_min_temperature" = 16.0
          "supported_fan_modes" = table[6]
            1 = "CLIMATE_FAN_AUTO"
            2 = "CLIMATE_FAN_LOW"
            3 = "CLIMATE_FAN_MEDIUM"
            4 = "CLIMATE_FAN_HIGH"
            5 = "CLIMATE_FAN_MIDDLE"
            6 = "CLIMATE_FAN_DIFFUSE"
          "visual_max_humidity" = 99.0
          "name" = "Split JCB"
          "visual_min_humidity" = 30.0
          "visual_current_temperature_step" = 0.5
          "object_id" = "split_jcb"
          "supports_action" = true
          "visual_max_temperature" = 31.0
          "visual_target_temperature_step" = 0.5
          "supported_modes" = table[6]
            1 = "CLIMATE_MODE_OFF"
            2 = "CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT_COOL"
            3 = "CLIMATE_MODE_COOL"
            4 = "CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT"
            5 = "CLIMATE_MODE_FAN_ONLY"
            6 = "CLIMATE_MODE_DRY"
          "key" = 3867626535
          "supports_current_temperature" = true
        "message" = "ListEntitiesClimateResponse"
      2 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[0]
        "message" = "ListEntitiesDoneResponse"[
    15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"fields":{"supported_swing_modes":["CLIMATE_SWING_OFF","CLIMATE_SWING_VERTICAL"],"unique_id":"mitsubishi-roomclimatesplit_jcb","visual_min_temperature":16.0,"supported_fan_modes":["CLIMATE_FAN_AUTO","CLIMATE_FAN_LOW","CLIMATE_FAN_MEDIUM","CLIMATE_FAN_HIGH","CLIMATE_FAN_MIDDLE","CLIMATE_FAN_DIFFUSE"],"visual_max_humidity":99.0,"name":"Split JCB","visual_min_humidity":30.0,"visual_current_temperature_step":0.5,"object_id":"split_jcb","supports_action":true,"visual_max_temperature":31.0,"visual_target_temperature_step":0.5,"supported_modes":["CLIMATE_MODE_OFF","CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT_COOL","CLIMATE_MODE_COOL","CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT","CLIMATE_MODE_FAN_ONLY","CLIMATE_MODE_DRY"],"key":3867626535,"supports_current_temperature":true},"message":"ListEntitiesClimateResponse"},{"fields":{},"message":"ListEntitiesDoneResponse"}]
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ListEntitiesClimateResponse" found in queue at index 4
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ListEntitiesDoneResponse" found in queue at index 6
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ListEntitiesDoneResponse" removed from queue at index 6
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listEntities()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listClimateEntities({"supported_swing_modes":["CLIMATE_SWING_OFF","CLIMATE_SWING_VERTICAL"],"unique_id":"mitsubishi-roomclimatesplit_jcb","visual_min_temperature":16.0,"supported_fan_modes":["CLIMATE_FAN_AUTO","CLIMATE_FAN_LOW","CLIMATE_FAN_MEDIUM","CLIMATE_FAN_HIGH","CLIMATE_FAN_MIDDLE","CLIMATE_FAN_DIFFUSE"],"visual_max_humidity":99.0,"name":"Split JCB","visual_min_humidity":30.0,"visual_current_temperature_step":0.5,"object_id":"split_jcb","supports_action":true,"visual_max_temperature":31.0,"visual_target_temperature_step":0.5,"supported_modes":["CLIMATE_MODE_OFF","CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT_COOL","CLIMATE_MODE_COOL","CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT","CLIMATE_MODE_FAN_ONLY","CLIMATE_MODE_DRY"],"key":3867626535,"supports_current_temperature":true})[15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listEntities() List entities done[15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listEntities() response message "ListEntitiesSensorResponse" removed from queue at index 3[15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listEntities() response message "ListEntitiesClimateResponse" removed from queue at index 3[15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:listEntities() response message "ListEntitiesServicesResponse" removed from queue at index 3[15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Name = Split JCB - Object ID = split_jcb - Unique ID = mitsubishi-roomclimatesplit_jcb 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Found swing mode Off 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Found swing mode Vertical 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Found user-defined service set_remote_temperature(temperature) 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Found user-defined service use_internal_temperature() 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: init() Subscribe to refreshState for device ID 689
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: getChildDevices()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: getChildDevices() Child device #859 "Temperature split", type "com.fibaro.temperatureSensor", parameter=temperature
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI(nil, nil, nil, true, nil, nil, 1708011774)
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:54] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: loop(30)
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Total memory in use by Lua : 2930.18 KB, CPU consumed : 520.26 ms ( 2.168 % )
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: refreshStatus(function())
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Subscribe to ESPHome states
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:subscribeClimateStates(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:subscribeStates("ClimateStateResponse", table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("SubscribeStatesRequest", {}, "ClimateStateResponse", true, true, table[2])[15.02.2024] [16:42:56] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:57] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("SubscribeStatesRequest", {}, "ClimateStateResponse", true, true, table[2],1708011777)
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:57] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:57] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("SubscribeStatesRequest", {}, "ClimateStateResponse", true, true, table[2], 1708011777)[15.02.2024] [16:42:57] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:57] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("SubscribeStatesRequest", {}, "ClimateStateResponse", true, true, table[2], 1708011777)[15.02.2024] [16:42:57] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() TCP connection already in progress, delaying
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:57] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI("SubscribeStatesRequest", {}, "ClimateStateResponse", true, true, table[2], 1708011777)[15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit("SubscribeStatesRequest", {}, table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket("SubscribeStatesRequest", {})
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:buildPacket() message "SubscribeStatesRequest" => id 20 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet ASCII : ...
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() packet HEX : 00 00 14
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:transmit() write() success
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() success : 20 bytes[
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet ASCII : ../.'L��...�%..�AH.
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() packet HEX : 00 11 2f 0d 27 4c 87 e6 1d 00 00 c0 7f 25 00 00 90 41 48 02
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse("/ 'L���%�AH")[15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() data size = 20 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message_count = 0 - data_size = 20 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() varint size = 1 - message size = 17 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() message id 47 => "ClimateStateResponse" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage("string", 4, 20, "table")
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "0d" => "00001101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "0001" => 1 / type = "fixed32" / name = "key" / value = 3867626535 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() current_temperature = NaN
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "1d" => "00011101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "0011" => 3 / type = "float" / name = "current_temperature" / value = "NaN" 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "25" => "00100101" |-| wire "101" => 5 / type = "I32" |-| field "0100" => 4 / type = "float" / name = "target_temperature" / value = 18.0 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:decodeMessage() tag "48" => "01001000" |-| wire "000" => 0 / type = "VARINT" |-| field "1001" => 9 / type = enum "ClimateFanMode" / name = "fan_mode" / value = 2 => "CLIMATE_FAN_AUTO"[15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:fetchResponse() new data_size = 0 - index = 1 
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[1]
      1 = table[2]
        "fields" = table[4]
          "fan_mode" = "CLIMATE_FAN_AUTO"
          "key" = 3867626535
          "target_temperature" = 18.0
          "current_temperature" = "NaN"
        "message" = "ClimateStateResponse"
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() fetchResponse() success : [{"fields":{"fan_mode":"CLIMATE_FAN_AUTO","key":3867626535,"target_temperature":18.0,"current_temperature":"NaN"},"message":"ClimateStateResponse"}]
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() response message "ClimateStateResponse" found in queue at index 3
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() success() response received
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:subscribeStates() success()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Split JCB received ClimateStateResponse
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: table[3]
      "fan_mode" = "Auto"
      "target_temperature" = 18.0
      "key" = 3867626535
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: updateStatus({"fan_mode":"Auto","target_temperature":18.0,"key":3867626535})
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: getChildDevices()
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: getChildDevices() Child device #859 "Temperature split", type "com.fibaro.temperatureSensor", parameter=temperature
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Current temperature not found
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [TRACE] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Update label "LabelState" to "Off"
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:00] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:00] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:00] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:03] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:06] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:06] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:07] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:10] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:13] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:13] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:13] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:16] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:19] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:19] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:19] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:22] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:25] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:25] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:25] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:28] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:28] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: loop(30)


  12. pas évident effectivement il discute beaucoup


    voici l'erreur que je voie


    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Current temperature not found
    [15.02.2024] [16:42:58] [TRACE] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: Update label "LabelState" to "Off"
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:00] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI()
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:00] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:nativeAPI() check if states received...
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:00] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive(table[2])
    [15.02.2024] [16:43:03] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_858]: ESPHome:receive() read() error : Operation canceled


  13. oui si les modifications de consigne se font depuis le QA, mais non si les modification se font depuis la télécommande ou l'afficheur mural

    Se qui me dérange un peut, car si une personne modifie la consigne par exemple depuis mon afficheur mural rien ne remonte dans le QA

    Cela serait super si le QA interrogeait la clim régulièrement pour connaitre son status

  14. c'est ce que j'ai fait aussi j'ai récupéré le connecteur du melcloud en attendent de trouver le bon connecteur


    question il n'y a pas de retour d’état sur le QA si le split est mis en route par la commande mural ou la télécommande comme avec le melcloud qui lui fait un retour d'etat (clim mis en marche ou changement de T°)?

  15. super merci je test cela


    oui j’avoue avoir jouer un peut avec le diable, mais qui n’essaie rien n'a rien


    Le connecteur CN110 est plus petit que le CN105, il n'y a que 4 fils

    le CN110 qui est destiné aux nouveaux split pour avoir l'afficheur et le melcloud, contrairement au ancien cartes ou il fallait faire le choix entre l'afficheur ou le melcloud


    Par contre je n'arrive pas a faire fonctionner le nouveau QA

    J'ai essayer avec le port 80 et le port 6083, mais il ne se connecte pas


    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [TRACE] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: QuickApp Mitsubishi v2.00 - Initialization - Parent device
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [TRACE] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: 
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: Using tools library v2.30
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: Using ESPHome library v2.00
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: ESPHome library v2.00 successfully initialized
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: ESPHome URL : tcp:// 
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: Refresh interval : 60 seconds
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:18] [DEBUG] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: Using internal temperature sensor
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:22] [ERROR] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: Can't get ESPHome device info : Erreur de connexion
    [15.02.2024] [08:15:22] [WARNING] [QA_MITSUBISHI_862]: Mitsubishi bureau is now dead

