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HCL - Version 4.105 - BETA - 12/12/2016


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This update features migration process from version 3.600, reconfiguring every device, adjusting them for changes which took place in the system. This will assure a possibly smooth transition and continuous operation, allowing each device to work with old settings until reconfiguration is done. Please, refer to the message that appears in the interface and Notification Center for further instructions after finishing upgrade.

Updating from version 3.600 may take up to 30 minutes. Do not restart controller during update process.

Resolved issues:
- No chart of recovery memory.
- Problem with email addresses in Home Center Wizard.
- Incorrectly displayed negative temperature in rooms tab.
- Force remove of devices do not work in Czech.
- Minor graphic fixes.

Additional information:
- Due to a technical issue with NEST plugin we are forced to turn off the plugin for some time. Works on certification for NEST have already started. The plugin will be available as soon as possible.

Version 4.102 BETA

Resolved issues:
- Inability to change the default room sensor.
- Error 503 during system startup.
- Lack of temperature and humidity data in a view of a room.
- Problems with creating backup.
- Disabled devices included in the temperature panel.
- Time is not updated after changing location.
- Improved event panel filtering.

New devices support:
- Remotec ZXT-120 versions 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.3, 1.7, 1.12, 1.20, 1.21.

Additional information:
- Suggesting predefined scenes - due to problems with the stability of this functionality it has been disabled for the time being. All previously created scenes will be automatically removed.

Version 4.101 BETA

Resolved issues:
- Problems with Logitech Harmony plugin.
- Faulty configuration of parameters of Heatit Thermostat v1.2.
- Disappearing backups.
- Global Cache stops working.
- Incorrect device counting in Dashboard bar.
- #0002195: Low Battery Level Indication on new batteries.
- #0002267: Upgrade message inconsistent.
- #0002270: products not working.
- #0003909: xml 448 - adding Meter support on endpoints.
- #0004075: Hidden slave devices of RGB become unhidden after rebooting.

New devices support:
- Popp Thermostat v1.0.
- Gerda lock v1.2.
- Russound XSource.
- Russound XZone4.
- Zipato RFID in version AU, IN and RU.

Other improvements:
- Home Center Wizard - wizard used to set basic Home Center data - user configuration, firmware upgrade, alarm configuration and localization - available only for admin user.
- For safety reasons, the admin user format was force changed to an email address format.
- For safety reasons, the default admin password was force changed.
- Choice of weather information source - the possibility to set various sources of weather in Home Center system, as a part of the update two sources were added: and Yahoo. As a source of weather information you can also use other devices, e.g. temperature sensor.
- Suggesting predefined scenes of turning on light when motion is detected in a room - simply activate a scene to enable the functionality.
- Interactive PUSH notifications for mobile applications - a new block in scenes capable of running a scene PUSH notifications.
- Extended information about the power consumption - the list of devices available from the Dashboard bar
- Many devices such as switches and dimmers can be synchronized. They will react identically to action from both a button and the interface. Synchronization is possible from the advanced settings of one of the devices.
- Improved the display of system status.
- Change in NEST plugin authentication - NEED TO REINSTALL THE PLUGIN.
- Change in Logitech Harmony plugin authentication - NEED TO REINSTALL THE PLUGIN.
- Redesigned NEST plugin display - devices in the system correspond to physical devices.
- Simplified control of scenes from the web interface.
- Change in system notifications functionality - the list of notifications available from Dashboard bar.
- Change in information about devices with low battery - the list of devices available from the Dashboard bar.
- Extensive scenes and devices filtering - the ability to show all, hidden or only visible devices and scenes.
- Change in information about incorrect communication with a device.
- Rooms synchronization as a part of Gateway Connections functionality.
- Functionality of copying scenes.
- Functionality of energy consumption data export (CSV file).


- Drag & Drop for devices and scenes - available on home, devices and rooms screens. Assigning devices to rooms and changing its order is now much easier and faster.
- Temperature Panel - allows to see history of temperature changes in rooms and on each device.
- Diagnostic Panel - general information about HC working condition like CPU & RAM usage, free space on hard drive. Will be extended in future versions.
- Soft Device Reconfiguration - option allows to save settings, parameters and device ID. Thanks to that scenes with reconfigurable device will not require editing. Full reconfiguration will remove and add the device to the Z-Wave network, resulting in the loss of its settings, parameters and change the device ID..
- Mesh Network Reconfiguration - available on Configuration -> Z-Wave Network
- New Z-Wave engine - redesigned and rewritten from the scratch. Now is faster and has better support for devices.
- Z-Wave Door Locks support - controlling and PIN settings.
- Thermostats - extended controlling for thermostats from manufacturers like: Honeywell, Trane Corporation.
- Extended tamper for sensors - exclusive information for motion detection and violation of sensors.
- Fibaro Smoke Sensor extended support - level of smoke and gap to alarm level is reported and visible on charts. Sensitivity level is now easier to set.
- Fibro Motion Sensor new device - when seismometer mode is turned on new device reporting tremors is available. Charts for temperature and illuminance. Additionally information about sensor violation.
- Device hiding - device that is not in use can be hide without removing it.
- Device deactivation - deactivated device is visible in UI but can't be controlled.
- Multithreading added for HC (server and z-wave) - now engines work much faster.
- Event panel moved - for better usability now is available in menu on right side of screen.
- Pre-Update Confirmation - installing update will prompt user additional confirmation.
- Added support for American English (EN-US)
- User rights management - moved to Configuration.
- Recovery Memory Health - can be checked on Backup & Recovery
- Backups has information about compatibility with current HC version
- Block scenes improvements - for device only available actions are visible, scene activation block added and logical conditions grouping using brackets.
- Lua Scenes - updated tool-tips for devices.
- Rest API Active Documentation - documentation and ability to test REST API requests, access at HOME_CENTER_IP/docs


- Plugins are grouped in categories: Safety, Cameras, Climate, Multimedia, Others
- Plugins search
- Network devices search via ARP

Plugins category Safety:
- Modular Alarm

Plugins category Cameras:
- more than 130 devices from various manufacturers

Plugin category Climate:
- Carrier Furance
- WS Davis Vantage
- Nest - plugin for well-known thermostat
- Netatmo - plugin for thermostat and weather station from netatmo

Plugins category Multimedia
- LG Bluray
- LG TV*
- NC + mediabox, compatible devices: mediaBOX+ (ITI-3740SX, ADB-3740SX) and turboBOX+ (ITI-5720SX, ADB-5720SX)
- XBMC Remote Control
- Denon Amplifier
- LG Bluray
- Onkyo Amplifier
- Philips Bluray
- Pioneer Amplifier
- Samsung TV*
- Sonos
- Sony Bluray
- Sony TV*
- Logitech Harmony
- DENON HEOS 3/link
- Russound X5 Controller
- Nuvo Gateway/NV-P3100/NV-P3500/P100/P200

* some TV Sets firmware version may not be supported

Plugins category Other
- Philips Hue
- Wake on LAN
- Planika Fireplace

Other changes, many other improvements to the system.

Modifié par Fredmas
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MDR Jojo. Moi pas le temps, trop de boulot pour migrer toutes mes passerelles sur la partie mail en utilisateur.


Sinon pour en revenir au topic, moi je ne vois pas de 4.105 sur ma box, et ton changelog est celui de la 4.104, tu es sur de toi ?

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Vous avez très certainement raison. J'ai changé le titre dans le doute.

Désolé si les possesseurs de HC2 ont eu un faux espoir :13:


Dans tous les cas c'était surtout pour informer notre communauté, car de mon côté je n'aime pas trop les bêta. Déjà que j'ai attendu la 4.100 pour quitter la 3.600 :D

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Ben je t'avoue Nico que mon doigt à trembleé plusieurs fois pour cliquer et tenter une version antérieure, mais comme tout marchait parfaitement avec ma fibaro, à lire les plaintes j'ai réussi à me retenir jusqu'à la 4.100 :D

Modifié par Fredmas
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