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    Barendrecht, NL
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    Home Center 2

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  1. Creating the "Unifi_LAN_Smartphone1" was too long to store in a variable. I renamed those and created them manually. I also created the cookie variable manually and it worked!
  2. I did not make any changes to the scene yet (besides the IP, username and pwd), just to make sure if it loads correctly. [DEBUG] 16:47:59: Check if global variable 'Unifi_LAN_Smartphone1' exists [DEBUG] 16:47:59: Global variable "Unifi_LAN_Smartphone1" does not exist [DEBUG] 16:47:59: CreateVG [DEBUG] 16:47:59: {"isEnum":0,"value":"0","name":"Unifi_LAN_Smartphone1"} [DEBUG] 16:47:59: 2019-07-25 16:47:59.593066 [ fatal] Unknown exception: /opt/fibaro/scenes/48.lua:216: attempt to concatenate a table value #216: Message("red", 'Error : Can not create global variable, status='..status..', payload='..json.encode(payload)..', response='..(response or ""))
  3. Installing the scene results in an unknown error while creating the globals on software V4.550: [DEBUG] 16:37:19: CreateVG [DEBUG] 16:37:19: 2019-07-25 16:37:19.982669 [ fatal] Unknown exception: /opt/fibaro/scenes/48.lua:216: attempt to concatenate a table value
  4. Bonjour! Although I had 5 years of France on high school, I can't recall any of it at the moment.. Despite not being able to properly write French (reading is a lot easier for me though), I have been trying to build an easier life on my Fibaro HC2 for about a year now. I hope it's okay if I speak English on this forum for the most part, I might even be able to work on my French language skills.. Current set up: - Fibaro HC2 - 11x Fibaro Dimmer V2 - 1x Fibaro Motion Sensor - 1x Fibaro Smoke Alarm
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