Hola   depuis qq temps (passage 4.170 ?) , passage GEA 6.07 ? j'ai un problème avec un VD et GEA et pourtant qq chose de simple CONSOMMATION_GAZ = 546 GEA.add(true , 60, "",{{"VirtualDevice", id["CONSOMMATION_GAZ"], 5},{"Repeat"}}) -- Remontée Conso Gaz appuie simple sur un bouton qui récupère la conso du NorthQ et qui stock dans un Variable et qui mets à jour un les labels du VD je vois bien que ca plante car l'heure du VD (= heure de l'appuie) est restée bloquée et ma conso de conso remonte pas  time1 = os.date("%H:%M"); fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabelWhen.value", JL.translation[JL.language]["Update_Time"].." "..time1);   un reboot de GEA semble reprendre le bon fonctionnement pour qq instants, mais ca va planter rapidement un reboot de la BOX reprends le bon fonctionnement pour qq jours mais ca plante au bout d'un moment aussi   je ne comprends pas l'erreur (ce VD fonctionne depuis 1an)   pas facile je sais comme cela pour m'aider mais avez vous une piste de recherche ? (je précise aucune erreur nulle part)   le code du VD ci besoin (VD du fofo fibaro)   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Energy information from AEON Labs - Home Energy Meter DSB09104-ZWEU -- Energy information from NorthQ -- Gas information from NorthQ -- -- 2014-2017 Jonny Larsson @jompa68 -- -- 2017-01-22 - Added support for NorthQ energy meter -- 2017-02-01 - Fixed some bugs JL = {} ---- USERCONFIG ------------------------------------------------------- -- Language translation, change this to what you want, -- possible settings are EN, SE, PL, DE JL.language = "FR"; useGasNorthQ = true gasNorthQID = 545 --- END USER CONFIG --------------------------------------------------- ---- MAIN CODE -------------------------------------------------------- version = "2.3.3" time = os.time() date = os.date("*t", time) year = date.year month = date.month day = date.day minute = date.min unixtime = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=01, hour=00, min=00, sec=00} today = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=00, min=00, sec=00} JL.selfId = fibaro:getSelfId() JL.selfIp = fibaro:get(JL.selfId, "IPAddress"); JL.translation = {true} -- English JL.translation["EN"] = { Energy_Name = "Energy consumption", Energy_Now = "Right now:", Energy_Hour = "Last hour:", Energy_Month = "This month:", Energy_Today = "Today:", Gas_Hour = "Gas used last hour:", Gas_Today = "Gas used today:", Update_Time = "Time:", Energy_btn = "Updated", Energy_IP = "Put in ip adress in VD, ex", No_data_exist = "No data exist!", Counter = "Counter Value" } -- French JL.translation["FR"] = { Energy_Name = "Consommation d'énergie", Energy_Now = "En ce moment:", Energy_Hour = "Depuis 1 heure:", Energy_Month = "Ce mois:", Energy_Today = "Aujourd'hui:", Gas_Hour = "Conso Gaz depuis 1 heure:", Gas_Today = "Conso Gaz aujourd'hui:", Update_Time = "Heure:", Energy_btn = "Mis à jour", Energy_IP = "Renseigné l'adresse IP dans le VDP, ex", No_data_exist = "Aucune donnée!", Counter = "Compteur" } function JL.getEnergyData() HC2 = Net.FHttp(JL.selfIp,11111) if useGasNorthQ == true then rgas, status, errorCode = HC2:GET("/api/devices/"..gasNorthQID) end time1 = os.date("%H:%M"); status = 200 errorCode = 0 if (tonumber(status) == 200 and tonumber(errorCode) == 0) then if useGasNorthQ == true then jsonTable4 = json.decode(rgas) gasValueNow = jsonTable4.properties.value g1 = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=00, min=01, sec=00} fibaro:debug(" g1 " .. g1) -- fibaro:debug(" time " .. time) if g1 > time then gasStartToday = (jsonTable4.properties.value) fibaro:setGlobal("gasStartToday", gasStartToday) fibaro:debug(" gasStartToday " .. gasStartToday) fibaro:debug(" yes " ) end vgasStartToday = fibaro:getGlobal("gasStartToday") gasToday = gasValueNow-vgasStartToday fibaro:setGlobal("gasToday", gasToday) -- Gas per hour if minute == 00 then gasStartHour = gasValueNow fibaro:setGlobal("gasStartHour", gasStartHour) end if minute == 59 then gasStopHour = gasValueNow gasStartHour = fibaro:getGlobal("gasStartHour") gasHour = gasStopHour - gasStartHour fibaro:setGlobal("gasHour", gasHour) else gasStartHour = fibaro:getGlobal("gasStartHour") gasHour = gasValueNow - gasStartHour end end if useGasNorthQ == true then fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.lblnorthQID.value", fibaro:getName(gasNorthQID)); fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.GasNow.value", JL.translation[JL.language]["Gas_Hour"].." "..round(gasHour,2).." m3"); fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.GasToday.value", JL.translation[JL.language]["Gas_Today"].." "..round(gasToday,2).." m3"); fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabelWhen.value", JL.translation[JL.language]["Update_Time"].." "..time1); fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.LabelCounter.value", JL.translation[JL.language]["Counter"].." "..gasValueNow); -- fibaro:debug(" vgasStartToday " .. vgasStartToday) -- fibaro:debug(" gasStartHour " .. gasStartHour) -- fibaro:debug(" gasHour " .. gasHour) -- fibaro:debug(" gasValueNow " .. gasValueNow) -- fibaro:debug(" gasToday " .. gasToday) end if useGasNorthQ == false then fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.lblnorthQID.value", "No NorthQ gas meter"); fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.GasToday.value", "NA"); fibaro:call(JL.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.GasNow.value", "NA"); end else fibaro:debug(JL.translation[JL.language]["No_data_exist"].." Error:"..errorCode); end end function calculate(value) return math.floor(value * cost) end function round(num, numDecimalPlaces) if numDecimalPlaces and numDecimalPlaces>0 then local mult = 10^numDecimalPlaces return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end return math.floor(num + 0.5) end if (JL.selfIp == nil or string.len(JL.selfIp) == 0) then fibaro:debug(JL.translation[JL.language]["Energy_IP"]); fibaro:abort(); end JL.getEnergyData()