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Messages posté(e)s par speedoxx007

  1. Software Changes List 4.160:

    Version 4.160

    New improvements:

    - Improved Fibaro Heat Controller support
    - Improved secure communication
    - Improved PIN synchronization stability for Z-Wave locks
    - Added default temperature sets to heating panel
    - Update of devices' states after Home Center start
    - Protection against incorrect Power and Energy values for Fibaro devices
    - Improved notification center for users without admin privilege
    - Improved installed plugins view
    - Possibility to change size of edit window in LUA scenes
    - Updated Wall Plug US icons
    - Frequency information when adding new devices to Home Center
    - Improved control of third party devices included in heating panel zone - manual setting on any thermostat will exclude it from a heating panel schedule for two hours

    Resolved issues:

    - Problem with generating Magic scenes for alarm conditions
    - Problem with saving Blocks scenes
    - Problem with refreshing interactive push scenes
    - Inability to set association in Home Center added as Secondary controller
    - Problem with displaying devices' parameters
    - Problem with controlling temperature sets in heat schedules after time passes 00:00
    - Problem with displaying rooms when Hikvision camera plugin was added to system in Edge browser
    - Problem with displaying grouped devices
    - Problem with refreshing Slider value for Sonos plugin
    - Wrong notification about incorrect mesh network reconfiguration
    - Problem with low battery level notification
    - Problem with not disappearing notification about energy measurement in dashboard
    - Deleted wrong resources from Fibaro Docs
    - Problem with sending multi-line interactive push messages
    - Problem with undefined parameters of Aeotec Siren Gen5
    - Problem with incorrect translations for Fibaro Intercom
    - Problem with 503 error after system startup
    - Problem with operating some devices from the heating panel
    - Problem with displaying LUA and Block scenes when using devices included in security mode
    - Problem with displaying devices' parameters
    - Problem with "Arming delay" and "Disarming delay" functions in Fibaro Alarm
    - Problem with Zipato RFID Reader reports handling
    - Problem with block scenes using delay
    - Problem with a delay function used as a condition in block scenes
    - No device grouping section for Fibaro RGBW Controller
    - Minor graphic fixes
    - Minor system fixe

    • Like 1
  2. Beta software changes list 4.152:

    Version 4.152 Beta

    New improvements:

    - Improved Fibaro Heat Controller support
    - Improved control of third party devices included in heating panel zone - manual setting on any thermostat will exclude it from a heating panel schedule for two hours

    Resolved issues:

    - Problem with sending multi-line interactive push messages
    - Problem with undefined parameters of Aeotec Siren Gen5
    - Problem with incorrect translations for Fibaro Intercom
    - Problem with 503 error after system startup
    - Problem with operating some devices from the heating panel
    - Problem with displaying LUA and Block scenes when using devices included in security mode
    - Minor graphic fixes

  3. VD GEA Status ne fonctionne pas V6.00


    Le Debug du Bouton "ON" il ce Retour:

    [ERROR] 14:59:34: line 3: Assertion failed


    Le Debug du Bouton "Rafraichir" donne ceci:

    [ERROR] 14:56:59: line 208: attempt to concatenate local 'sceneID' (a nil value)
     Que dois je faire pour que ça fonctionne?


  4. J'ai un souci avec les Conditions "Weather" avec GEA V6.00


    -- Gestion éclairage piscine simplifié

    GEA.add(true, 1*120, "",{{"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Weather", "clear|cloudy"}, {"Days", "Weekday"}, {"Time", "sunset+15", "sunset+18"}, {"Dates", "15/05", "15/10"}, {"turnOn",id["SPOT_PISCINE"]}, {"Value",id["SPOT_PISCINE"],40}, {"turnOn",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"]}, {"Value",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"],40}})
    GEA.add(true, 1*120, "",{{"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Weather", "clear|cloudy"}, {"Days", "Weekday"}, {"Time", "sunset+90", "sunset+93"}, {"Dates", "15/05", "15/10"}, {"turnOff",id["SPOT_PISCINE"]}, {"turnOff",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"]}})
    GEA.add(true, 1*120, "",{{"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Weather", "clear|cloudy"}, {"Days", "Weekend"}, {"Time", "sunset+15", "sunset+18"}, {"Dates", "15/05", "15/10"}, {"turnOn",id["SPOT_PISCINE"]}, {"Value",id["SPOT_PISCINE"],40}, {"turnOn",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"]}, {"Value",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"],40}})
    GEA.add(true, 1*120, "",{{"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Weather", "clear|cloudy"}, {"Days", "Weekend"}, {"Time", "sunset+120", "sunset+123"}, {"Dates", "15/05", "15/10"}, {"turnOff",id["SPOT_PISCINE"]}, {"turnOff",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"]}})

    Je sais que dans GEA V6.00 c'est GEA.add( {"Weather", "Cloudy"}, 0, "#value#", {ACTIONS} )


    Donc pour la 1er ligne:

    GEA.add(true, 1*120, "",{{"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Weather", "clear|cloudy", 0}, {"Days", "Weekday"}, {"Time", "sunset+15", "sunset+18"}, {"Dates", "15/05", "15/10"}, {"turnOn",id["SPOT_PISCINE"]}, {"Value",id["SPOT_PISCINE"],40}, {"turnOn",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"]}, {"Value",id["LIGNE_SPOTS_PISCINE"],40}})


    Mais le Debug me sort:


    [DEBUG] 11:31:20: Add auto : #25 [true][Days, ["Weekday"]][Time, ["sunset+15","sunset+18"]][Dates, ["15\/05","15\/10"]] | 120 | | [Global, ["PresentState","Home"]][Weather, ["clear|cloudy",0]][TurnOn, [276]][Value, [276,40]][TurnOn, [417]][Value, [417,40]]
    [DEBUG] 11:31:20: Option : [Weather, ["clear|cloudy",0]] can't be used as an action
    [DEBUG] 11:31:20: GEA ... STOPPED



    Je suis peut être bête ou je ne vois rien devant mes lunettes:huh:


    Merci d'avance pour vos aides

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