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66 résultats trouvés

  1. idomotique

    Les tableaux en LUA

    Bonjour, Après m'être cassé la tête pendant plusieurs jours pour arriver à formater des tableaux sur HC3 dans la zone de debug voici la solution: 1. Création du Tableau local TabToPrint = {} -- Création du tableau vide 2. Création de la ligne de titre Je ne vais pas vous faire un cours HTML mais sachez que le secret sur la HC3 (ne le dites à personne hein ) c'est que le HTML5 n'est pas supporté. Il faut donc utiliser les balises HTML4. Donc nous commençons par créer une ligne de titre avec la balise "<table>" qui ouvre le tableau, la balise "<tr>" qui crée une nouvelle ligne et la balise "<th>" qui ouvre un nouvel élément titre. Bien entendu sans oublier de refermer chaque balise sauf la balise "<table>" que l'on fermera à la fin du tableau. Cette ligne est affectée à la première ligne du tableau avec "TabToPrint[1] = " TabToPrint[1] = "<table><tr><th>Description</th><th>Valeur</th></tr>"; on voit dans cet exemple que j'ai crée 2 colonnes "Description" et "Valeur" 3.Création des éléments du tableau Nous utilisons basiquement la même commande que pour la ligne de titre au détail prêt que nous remplaçons la balise "<th>" par la balise "<td>" pour un élément de tableau. Pour être honnête cela ne change pas grand chose mais c'est plus propre et cela vous aidera à vous y retrouver dans votre code. TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>Current firmware version</td><td>" data.version "</td></tr>"; Vous remarquerez le début de la ligne "TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1]" cela permet de récupérer la dernière ligne du tableau et de rajouter notre ligne à sa suite. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser "TabToPrint[2]" et incrémenter manuellement mais vous avez de bonnes chances de faire une erreur et d'écraser des lignes. Il est également possible d'intégrer des variables comme éléments du tableau comme dans cet exemple le "data.version"qui est une variable locale. 4. Impression du tableau Lorsque vous avez crée tous vos éléments vous pouvez imprimer le tableau dans l'interface de debug avec la commande suivante. fibaro.trace("Scene145", table.concat(TabToPrint) .. "</table>") l'élément "table.concat() " permet de concaténer tous les éléments de votre tableau et comme expliqué au début il faut également fermer votre tableau avec la balise "</table>" voila vous obtenez un premier tableau Bon c'est pas bien joli pour le moment alors mettons y un peu les formes.... 5. formater le tableau Pour formater notre tableau nous allons utiliser des attributs tels que "bgcolor = "green"". Oui mais alors la c'est un peu délicat vu que l'on doit utiliser des guillemets pour notre attribut ce qui aura pour conséquence de fermer notre string dans la commande et lua va considérer "green" comme une variable ce qui n'est pas notre but. Pour contourner cela un 2ème petit secret: en LUA il es possible d'utiliser le caractère "\" pour que le caractère qui suit immédiatement ne soit pas interprété par lua. En clair avec la commande "bgcolor = \"green\"" les guillemets qui entourent "green" seront considérés par le compilateur comme du texte. Voici donc quelques exemples de formatage du tableau Appliquer une couleur de fond attribut: bgcolor = \"green\" appliquer sur: table, ligne ou éléments du tableau TabToPrint[1] = "<table bgcolor = \"green\"><tr><th>Description</th><th>Valeur</th></tr>"; résultat: Ajout de bordures attribut: border = \"1\" appliquer sur: table TabToPrint[1] = "<table bgcolor = \"green\" border = \"1\"><tr><th>Description</th><th>Valeur</th></tr>"; résultat: Changer la couleur d'un texte: attribut: <font color=red> appliquer sur: texte TabToPrint[1] = "<table bgcolor = \"green\" border = \"1\"><tr><th><font color=red>Description</th><th><font color=red>Valeur</th></tr>"; résultat: vous trouverez d'autres possiblités de formattage avec les balises html ici 5. Exemple Voici un exemple de formatage d'un éléments de réponse d'une requête API sur un interrupteur Dingz: -- configuration des tableaux local styleElement= "<font color=black size=\"3\">" local styleTitre = "<font color= \"#E4022E\" size=\"5\">" local styleTableau ="bgcolor = \"#a6ff19\" border = \"1\" cellpadding = \"5\" width = \"1000\"" -- Ligne de titre TabToPrint[1] = "<table "..styleTableau.."><tr><th>".. styleTitre .. "Description</th><th>".. styleTitre .. "Valeur</th></tr>"; -- Remplissage du tableau TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "Current firmware version</td><td>"..styleElement.. tostring(data.version) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td"..styleElement.. ">MAC address, without any delimiters</td><td>"..styleElement.. tostring(data.mac) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "Device type it always have value 108</td><td>"..styleElement.. tostring(data.type) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "SSID of the currently connected network</td><td>"..styleElement.. tostring(data.ssid) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "Current ip address</td><td>"..styleElement.. tostring(data.ip) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "Mask of the current network</td><td>".. styleElement .. tostring(data.mask) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "Gateway of the current network</td><td>".. styleElement .. tostring(data.gateway) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "DNS of the curent network</td><td>".. styleElement .. tostring(data.dns) .."</td></tr>"; TabToPrint[#TabToPrint+1] = "<tr><td>"..styleElement.. "Wether or not the ip address is static</td><td>"..styleElement.. tostring(data.static) .."</td></tr>"; --impression du tableau fibaro.trace("Scene145", table.concat(TabToPrint) .. "</table>") Vous remarquerez que pour simplifier les choses j'ai crée des variables "style..." avec les attributs. cela permet de rassembler le tout à un endroit et de ne pas avoir a grailler dans vos tableau. résultat: Voila il je ne suis absolument pas un pro du HTML donc si vous avez des remarques ou des conseil pour faire mieux je suis volontiers preneur mais avec ces explications vous avez une base pour faire quelques tableaux. PS: interdiction formelle de se moquer de mon sens artistique
  2. mprinfo

    HC3 - 5.041.50 - BETA - 28/09/2020

    HC3 - 5.041.50 (beta) Thank you for using the FIBARO Home Center 3! Our constant improvements are to make your experience better. Be sure to update to the latest version to enjoy new features. What's new: Block Scenes Selecting user or device in Notification/Push action block. Simplified conditions for Z-Wave door locks. Climate Brand new climate zones control dashboard, available to any user: Setting selected zone or whole house to manual or vacation mode. Going back to schedule from manual or vacation mode. Dashboard Control of door lock type devices from the right sidebar. Devices Nice BiDi-ZWave notifications of obstacle detection, force exceeding, and hardware failure: Inactive by default in device notifications settings. To be displayed in system notifications panel or sent as push or e-mail messages. Generate relevant events to history panel. Available as conditions in block scenes. Improved time shifter with four different timespans under device charts. Possibility of copying the Z-Wave configuration parameters settings from another device. New linked device - Multilevel Sensor with four possible statistical functions. Notification when any device belonging to linked device was removed. Possibility to set theoretical power consumption for devices without power metering. Increased the maximum number of digits in Z-Wave door locks pin codes to eight. Support for Era Inn Edge Tubular Motor version 1.1 or higher. Support for REHAU RE.GUARD Smart water control system. Support for Steinel RS LED D2 Z-Wave. Garden Displaying name of the weekday for a next watering sequence. History Added button to quickly go back to the top of the list. Improved readability of events related to device reconfiguration. Lua Scenes Blocked the possibility of sending an empty push/interactive-push message. Network Improved the responsiveness of network settings page for mobile devices. Nice Support for Nice bi-directional devices using PLN2+ communication protocol. Possibility to force the Nice device synchronization if the device does not respond. Assigning default device category based on its type when adding a new Nice device. Backup and restore of Nice mono-directional devices. Other Redesigned order of items in the left sidebar. Indication of sortable columns in the tables. Minor fixes to the dark theme of the interface. Unified behaviour of drop-down lists. Two new language versions: Chinese simplified and Portuguese BR. Improving the performance of the interface. Quick Apps Displaying the complete view of the Quick App in the FIBARO Home Center mobile app. Autocompletion of global variables names in getGlobal() and getVariables() functions. Prompting for a list of actions and device properties in the left sidebar. Possibility to set a role of the roller shutter device type. Improved closing and removing of edited control. Added support for WebSockets. Scenes Brand new scenes control dashboard, available to any user: Running a scene with one click on the tile. Scenes divided into active and inactive. Displaying when the scene was recently launched. Filtering scenes by categories or using a search bar. Possibility of showing scenes which are hidden. Added search engine in scene settings. Unified order of scene categories. Update Possibility of cancelling the downloaded update before its installation. I mproved displaying of current and available software version. Bug fixes: Block Scenes Action block for a group of devices is not available. Editing any block scene results in an excess of requests that overload the interface. Dashboard Showing and hiding hidden rooms results in the wrong devices being displayed. Devices No icon of an unconfigured device when adding a new Z-Wave device. Removing a device belonging to a climate zone from a linked device results in system crash. No camera image preview for a video gate linked device. No notifications from devices are sent when set to active by default in the latest update. Values on device charts are not sorted according to timestamp. General No possibility to set date and time manually. History Incorrect icons for FIBARO RGBW 2 (FGRGBW-442). Nice Internal server error when adding a new Nice device. Other Services are not restarted automatically when restoring the backup was cancelled. Plugins No camera image preview for FIBARO Intercom when using a remote access. Profiles Enabling any profile that runs the block scene results in an excess of requests. The profile to which the user has no access does not refresh automatically. Recovery Resetting the network settings requires a manual reboot of the gateway. Scenes Copying a few scenes one by one makes the interface unavailable for several minutes. Scenes based on user's location are not triggered properly. Update Error 409 when trying to cancel an ongoing update download process.
  3. TonyC

    HC3 - 5.040.37 - 23/07/2020

    Nouvelle cuvée ! What's new: Access Added column with user ID. Block Scenes Renamed Alert to Notification category. Splitted Simple Message block into two blocks: E-mail and Push. Added new block in Notification category - Interactive Push that can be sent to any user. Added actions for Sonos Speaker plugin in Device/Single block. Climate Optimized time needed to change setpoint of zone with multiple FIBARO Heat Controllers. Added column with zone ID. Devices Temperature charts for FIBARO Heat Controller version 4.5 or higher in device Advanced tab. Carbon monoxide history charts for FIBARO CO sensors in device Advanced tab. Scale in hours for device history charts (temperature, smoke, carbon monoxide etc.). USB port icons for com.fibaro.usbPort device type. More icons available for FIBARO Wall Plugs. New linked device - Binary Sensor. Support for MCOHome A8-9 version 6.4. Support for MCOHome A8-7 version 3.7. Support for MCOHome MH-C321 version 3.3. Support for MCOHome MH-C421 version 3.3. Support for MCOHome MH-F500 version 2.1. Support for MCOHome MH-S311 version 5.5. Support for MCOHome MH-S312 version 5.5. Support for MCOHome MH-S314 version 5.5. Support for MCOHome MH-S411 version 5.5. Support for MCOHome MH-S412 version 5.2. Support for MCOHome MH-DT311 version 3.3. Support for MCOHome MH-DT411 version 3.2. History Brand new, optimized, and redesigned panel including more events! Displaying events related to devices, scenes, and users. Displaying system configuration events like adding/removing the device, scene, or user. Displaying actions performed to trigger devices from the interface or mobile app. Displaying source of each event - system or specified user. Filtering events by object type, event type and source type. Loading items while scrolling the list of events. Info badge indicating new events at the top of the list. Lua Scenes Possibility to set and get a specific variable from scene. Added fibaro.setSkin function to change active theme for specified users. Default operators for scene triggers. AccessControlEvent trigger support. Nice New procedure of adding mono-directional devices*. User-friendly configuration wizard. Displaying and editing existing device configuration. Actions triggering Nice devices visible in History. *Nice Smilo series is not supported Other Improved filtering in full-screen console view. Improvements and minor fixes for dark theme. Quick Apps Dividing the code editor into several files in separate tabs. Added com.fibaro.remoteController device type. Added com.fibaro.player device type. Added UDP client support. Recovery Mode Reloading list of network interfaces after resetting. Slovak language version. Scenes Sorting scenes by ID. Added Climate category. Bug fixes: Access No mobile devices displayed for non-admin user. Block Scenes Inactive save button after dragging and dropping previously added block. Climate Schedule is not synchronized if FIBARO Heat Controller was forced to synchronize. Control of other devices during synchronization of schedules is not possible or delayed. Dashboard Duplicated camera image on the right sidebar for FIBARO Intercom. Camera image full screen view does not close the right sidebar. Devices No possibility to set negative values in FIBARO Smart Implant inputs configuration. Incorrect values on data charts after changing time zone in general settings. System error when set incorrect address of IP camera. Lua Scenes Non-admin user cannot run the scene. Notifications E-mail and push notifications from removed devices remain active. Too many notifications from FIBARO Intercom. Profiles Active profile is not updated when switched. Remote Access No IP camera image if mjpg stream was selected. ***OTHER MINOR BUG FIXES***** Ce dernier ne fait pas partie de la liste officielle mais il me manquait depuis que je n'ai plus de HC2 à mettre à jour !!
  4. CharlesO

    Panneau d'arrosage sur HC3

    Bonjour a tous petit question svp comment marche le panneau d'arrosage dans la HC3 je n'arrive pas a ajouter un module la bas svp help merci
  5. Bonjour, Je possède un portail coulissant avec un moteur CAME BK74. J'arrive à le controler sans probleme avec un FGS 222 pour ouverture totale et partielle. En revanche je n'arrive pas à récuperer son état en utilisant un SMART IMPLANT FGBS 222. J'ai bien identifié les contacts de fin de course (ressort) qui me donne une tension AC de 13V entre les bornes F et FC lorque le portail est fermé, pas de tension lorsqu'il fonctionne et une tension de 13V AC entre F et FA. Comment est ce que peux récupérer cette information avec le smart implant ? Est ce possible ou dois je utiliser un détecteur d'ouverture filaire à la place des contacts de fin de course ? Pas mal de schéma circulent mias je pense qu'ils ne sont pas bons car le IN du FGBS001 ou FGBS 222 accepte soit un contact sec soit du courant DC. Merci pour votre aide précieuse.
  6. @jjacques68 pourquoi tu utilise une autorisation dans le headers ? la KeyAPI suffit pour actionner les relais enfin sur mon RT2 cela fonction tu as oubliés de dire qu'il fallait faire une scène sur ipx ou ecodevice afin que le push soit exécuter j'ai eu du mal car je ne maitrise pas encore mon nouveau jouet Pour le Qa il faut utiliser un type binary senor ---
  7. jjacques68

    Récupérer le label d'un bouton

    Hello ! Tout est dans le titre Vous savez comment récupérer le libellé d'un bouton ou d'un label sur une HC3 ? merciiiiiii !
  8. Bonjour, Je m'interroge sur la mention [ERROR] fréquemment rencontrée dans la fenêtre de débogage. En voici un exemple : [19.06.2020] [12:02:34] [ERROR] [SCENE33]: Ce libellé apparaît semble-t'il après chaque déclenchement de trigger (qui lance une scène - même très basique, du style on/off d'un module) Sauf erreur de ma part, je pense qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une "erreur" proprement dite, mais du signalement conséquent au lancement d'une scène déjà en "activité". La scène est correctement lancée et exécutée. Avez- vous une interprétation différente ?
  9. jjacques68

    Interval Polling Devices Z-Wave

    Hello ! Faut-il suivre les recommandations ? il me semble que sur la HC2, c'était automatique non ?
  10. jjacques68

    HC3 - 5.030.45 - 09/04/2020

    What's new: Backup Sorting backups by creation date. Block Scenes New block in Time category - Date range. Hints for blocks in the form of tooltips for what they are used for. Removed hidden devices from the drop-down lists. Conditions and actions for FIBARO RGBW 2 device (FGRGBW-442). Conditions and actions for FIBARO Intercom device (FGIC-001). Conditions (zones, inputs, outputs) and actions (zones, outputs) for Satel Alarm plugin. Climate Changed the default mode from Auto to Heating for manually added climate zones. Dashboard Drag and drop the device to the room name on the left to move it there. Icon indicating alarm status in the header with a redirection to list of zones. Current thermostat mode displayed on the device tile. Control of thermostat type devices from the right sidebar. Control of colorController type devices from the right sidebar. More possibilities to control rollerShutter type devices from the right sidebar. Changed the ON/OFF switch from toggle switch to 2-buttons switch on the right sidebar. Displaying alarm zones to which the sensor belongs and their states on the right sidebar. Closing the right sidebar by clicking outside its area. Devices Input/output mode configuration for FIBARO RGBW device (FGRGBWM-441). Protection against adding an existing or pending association. Changed range and precision of offset for value measured by temperature sensor. Favourite roller blind position configurable from device settings. Displaying parameter values greater than 999 with additional space. Possibility to force polling for device with switched off polling interface. More effective navigation through device list using the tabulator. Notification from heatDetector and rainDetector devices available for activation. Console log for requesting neighbours when adding a Z-Wave device. Support of excluding from climate panel for a specified time for all types of thermostats. Support for MCOHome MH7H-EH and MH7H-WH version 2.7. Support for MCOHome MH8-FC and MH8-FC4 version 3.2. Support for MCOHome MH9-CO2-WA and MH9-CO2-WD version 2.4. Support for MCOHome MH10-PM2.5-WA and MH10-PM2.5-WD version 2.3. Support for MCOHome MH-F500 version 1.2. Support for MCOHome MH-3900 version 1.9. Support for MCOHome MH-3928 version 1.3. Support for MCOHome MH7-WB version 4.2. Support for MCOHome A8-9 version 6.2. Support for Aeotec Siren 6 and Doorbell 6 version 1.4. Support for Aeotec Heavy Duty Switch version 3.28. Support for HeatIt Push2, Push4, Push8 version 1.26. Sound Switch CC support. General Report of current system configuration generated as a printout. History Marking today's date in the calendar (also applies to notifications). Lua Scenes New 'duration' condition - time in seconds for which the device has not changed state. New 'anyValue' operator - any change of device value. Notifications Displaying notifications of backup and update errors. Other Brand new console/debugger, common for Z-Wave communication, scenes and Quick Apps. Searching by the name of entry in the console. Filtering entries in the console by selected tag and/or type. Full-screen view of the console available as a separate page. Notifications in toasts during the addition/deletion/configuration of Z-Wave devices. Unified display of slider values within the interface. Protection against user access to unconfigured gateway. Changed LED indication on the gateway after adding/deleting a Z-Wave device. Improved stability of Wi-Fi connection. Completing and improving translations. Plugins Improved configuration of Philips Hue plugin. Added button for reloading configuration of Satel Alarm plugin keeping unchanged IDs. Profiles Removed hidden devices and hidden scenes from the list. Added manual mode of climate zones control. Quick Apps Added MQTT client support. Possibility to create slave devices. Editing code of controls in main device editor. Conversion of added Quick Apps to new format (migrating controls to separate functions). Documentation - Marketplace - Scenes Activity of the run button depending on scene restart settings. Toast notification when trying to restart a running scene. Sorting scenes by name or type. Bug fixes: Alarm Scene protected from running during the alarm is performed. Block Scenes Role of the rollerShutter does not affect the list of available actions. Using the Sunrise/sunset block prevents the scene from saving. Calendar is displayed in wrong place and does not fit the screen. Redundant fields in FIBARO Intercom device blocks. Condition of running a scene using Satel Alarm disappears after reloading the page. Push notifications are always sent to all users instead of selected ones. Cameras IP camera image preview is visible in the interface from the Installer App. Climate Setpoint is not applied to a device without support for Auto mode. Activating manual or vacation mode always sets a zone in Auto mode. Unified sets of temperature colours in climate panel and displayed on thermostat icon. Dashboard Order of rooms in the list does not match the order from settings. Icon of the colorController type device is displayed incorrectly. Devices Device list does not always load after refreshing the page. FIBARO Heat Controller (FGT-001) does not support Off and FullPower modes. Inconsistent display of thermostats on the main screen and in device settings. Incorrect parameters after changing the role or key type of FIBARO RGBW device. Interface does not load after migration from HC2/HCL due to no support of some thermostats. History Linked device state change is not displayed on the list. Lua Scenes No support for fibaro.getDevicesID function. Network Access Point switches off by itself after several hours. Other LED state on the gateway does not change during addition/deletion of Z-Wave device. Drop-down list does not close and overlaps when another one is being opened. Unified content and appearance of e-mails sent from the gateway. Quick Apps Modified Quick App view is not saved. No support of special characters and emojis in Quick App view. No view update in device edit window after using self:updateView. Double checkbox section in device Advanced tab. Scenes Incorrect operation of reporting unsaved changes. No window for entering PIN code when trying to run a PIN-protected scene.
  11. Noyde

    QuickApp Color controller

    Bonjour, J'ai un souci avec les QuickApp de type color controler. Lorsque j'utilise le slider de l'app mobile ou les couleurs favorites je n'arrive pas à récupérer le code "rgbw" complet, seulement le "r". Par contre si je fait un call:, "setColor", "204,75,194,0") Avez-vous une idée? Merci d'avance.
  12. fredokl

    QuickApp - FreeSms

    Bonjour à tous, Voici un QuickApp pour pouvoir envoyer des sms avec un compte Free Mobile. Le code est adapté de celui de @Krikroff pour la HC2. Je me suis fait aider par mon neveu qui maitrise le code beaucoup mieux que moi. Il fonctionne parfaitement. Il est libre de modification et d'amélioration. Code: -- FREESMS pour Fibaro HC3 -- Le code suivant a été adapté sur celui-ci de Krikroff du forum -- Adaptation par fredokl pour -------------------------------------------------------- -- Paramètres utilisateur -------------------------------------------------------- local username = "IDENTIFIANT FREE" local password = "CLÉ IDENTIFICATION" -------------------------------------------------------- -- Paramètrages des boutons avec les messages à envoyer -------------------------------------------------------- function QuickApp:uimsg1OnR(event) self:debug("Message 1") self:sendmsg("Hello World!") end function QuickApp:uimsg2OnR(event) self:debug("Message 2") self:sendmsg("Salut le Monde!") end function QuickApp:uimsg3OnR(event) self:debug("Message 3") self:sendmsg("Tout va bien?") end function QuickApp:uimsg4OnR(event) self:debug("Message 4") self:sendmsg("Moi ça va.") end function QuickApp:uimsg5OnR(event) self:debug("Message 5") self:sendmsg("Bye bye!") end -------------------------------------------------------- -- Ne rien modifier sous cette ligne -------------------------------------------------------- function QuickApp:sendmsg(message) self:debug("Envoi du message") self:setVariable("FreeSMS", message) self:updateProperty("value", true) local query = string.format("user=%s&pass=%s&msg=%s", username, password, message) self:sendCommand(query) end function QuickApp:sendCommand(query) local message = self:getVariable("FreeSMS") local url = "" url = url .. "?" .. query self:debug("Envoi de la commande:", url) self.http:request(url, { options= { headers= { ["Connection"] = "keep-alive", }, method = "POST" }, success = function(response) self:controle_status(response.status) end, error = function(message) self:debug("error:", message) end }) self:debug("Fin de commande") end -------------------------------------------------------- -- Liste des codes retour HTTP de Free Mobile -------------------------------------------------------- local code_retour = { [200]=" - Le SMS a été envoyé sur votre mobile", [400]=" - Un des paramètres obligatoires est manquant", [402]=" - Trop de SMS ont été envoyés en trop peu de temps", [403]=" - Le service n’est pas activé sur l’espace abonné, ou login / clé incorrect", [500]=" - Erreur côté serveur. Veuillez réessayez ultérieurement" } -------------------------------------------------------- -- Fonction contrôle du code retour HTTP Free Mobile -------------------------------------------------------- function QuickApp:controle_status(status) if Contains(code_retour, tonumber(status)) then self:debug( .. ' - status = ' .. status .. (code_retour[tonumber(status)])) end end function Contains(table, valeur) for key,value in pairs(table) do if (key == valeur) then return true end end return false end function QuickApp:onInit() self.http = net.HTTPClient({ timeout = 2000 }) self:setVariable("FreeSMS","") self:debug("onInit") end Utilisation: Remplir les champs par identifiant Free Mobile et votre clé d'identification ----------------------------------------------------- -- Paramètres utilisateur ----------------------------------------------------- local username = "IDENTIFIANT FREE" local password = "CLÉ IDENTIFICATION" Créer autant de boutons que souhaité ----------------------------------------------------- -- Paramètrages des boutons avec les messages à envoyer ----------------------------------------------------- function QuickApp:uimsg1OnR(event) self:debug("Message 1") self:sendmsg("Hello World!") end Voilà, c'est mon premier code officiel sur le forum je crois. Soyez indulgent. Je vous joints le fichier complet à adapter en fonction de vos besoins. FreeSMS.fqa
  14. Krikroff

    HC3 - 5.021.11

    A venir... What's new: Block Scenes Actions on the LED ring for FIBARO Walli series devices. Actions for Z-Wave thermostats. Cameras Redirecting to camera configuration after adding. Possibility of setting a custom icon. Climate Indicating the active mode of climate schedule. Dashboard Controlling the binarySwitch, multilevelSwitch and rollerShutter devices from the right sidebar. Displaying the current set temperature on the thermostat icon. Collapsing/expanding the rooms side menu. Devices Z-Wave removing mode available from the list of all devices. Displaying the battery level under the battery icon on the device list. Changed the default humidity range to 40-50%. Consistent configuration of various types of linked devices. Support for pending and failed associations. Support for the black box of FIBARO Heat Controller (FGT-001). Support for FIBARO RGBW Controller 2 (FGRGBW-442). Support for Z-Wave locks. Support for Z-Wave thermostats. Support for wind and rain sensors. General Downloading the current location of the gateway in https connection mode. Lua Scenes Possibility to download a scene trigger using the sourceTrigger object that triggered the scene. Added functions os.time, and fibaro.sleep. Migration from HC2/HCL "Finish migration" button on the welcome screen restoring backup transferred from HC2/HCL. Network Disabled the possibility to turn off the Wi-Fi during the first configuration. Other Shorter loading time of device and room lists. Added loaders for loading lists in settings. Consistent display of entries in the debugger (Lua, Quick Apps) and the Z-Wave console. Collapsing/expanding the settings side menu. Added Czech language. Plugins Fixes and improvements regarding the Satel plugin. Integration of Satel alarm partitions with the FIBARO alarm. Profiles Display and control of climate zones. Display and control of alarm zones. Added icons related to weather and temperature. Quick Apps Added new device types: com.fibaro.genericDevice and Recovery Mode Displaying the inactive system version. Progress bar when uploading a local file. Displaying the time remaining to automatic reboot of the gateway. Rooms Indicating the default room on the list of rooms. VoIP Added the functionality description. Bug fixes: Access No refresh after synchronizing users. Remote support cannot be enabled via remote access. Backup The "restore with version" option does not download the correct software version. Instead of the selected local backup, the latest local backup is always restored. Number of scenes in backup is always equal 0. Block Scenes Unable to enter the time in the delay block. Lists of rooms and sections do not load. Active "run scene" button despite unsaved changes. Selected triggers disappear after reloading page. No suitable options for the type com.fibaro.barrier. Redundant fields in blocks for RGBW devices. No condition values displayed for Central Scene controllers. Forcing the watering from the scene causes a system error. Missing translations. Cameras Cannot display the advanced tab. Image path is composed incorrectly and the camera image is not displayed. Invalid default image refresh time. Climate Incorrect limits of minimum and maximum temperature. Zone temperature is not displayed in manual mode. Restarting the gateway when any partition is in Hold mode causes a system error. Dashboard Search does not work properly if entered a dot in the search box. Devices Unable to reconfigure a device added in security mode. No device polling button if polling is globally enabled. Doubled message about unsaved changes in device parameters. Errors in displaying the energy consumption of the device. No advanced settings section for Z-Wave locks. Changing the role of RGBW device requires page refresh to display properly. No icons for several types of sensors connected to the FIBARO Smart Implant. Cannot set the minimum and maximum RGBW slider value. Cannot reset advanced parameters to the default values. Invalid redirection to associated device. The Advanced tab is not displayed when added a scene with Central Scene event. USB powered device is marked as a battery device. The user added icon has an invalid path. Changing the device name is not applied in the notifications. Lack of support for the FIBARO Smart Implant device. Incorrect support of the Danfoss RS device. Diagnostics Unable to download the device template. Garden Setting is not displayed correctly on the days that the schedule does not apply to. Incorrect operation of sprinklers in a sequence. Lua Scenes Incorrect loading of the scene editor view. Errors in displaying the debugger. Network Changing the IP address or addressing mode does not work properly. Access Point is inactive after the recovery procedure. Notifications No filtering by type and priority. Notifications for linked devices do not work. Other Checkboxes do not display correctly when viewing on a tablet. Inconsistent icons and buttons on warning popups. Plugins Philips Hue devices are set to default light values after switching off and on. No weather data displayed on the YR Weather plugin preview tab. Quick Apps New device is always assigned to the default room. The ID of an existing item changes when adding a new item. The device view is not updating. No code scrolling possibility. Importing an unassigned device results in an error. Visual fixes. Recovery Mode The restore, repair and switch actions do not display statuses. Visual fixes. Rooms The section name does not change when you close the window. Update Retrying to download the update return an error. Z-Wave Unable to close the adding controller window. The mesh reconfiguration for the Z-Wave devices does not work. ... and many more!
  15. TonyC

    HC3 - 5.021.38 - 28/02/2020

    Désolé pour la présentation c'est un copier coller du change log sur la hc3, j'essaierai de le mettre en forme ce soir ! On ne voit plus (en tout cas je ne vois pas) de notion de beta ou stable d'ou le titre qui ne le précise pas... EDIT: Un peu de rework sur la présentation que je viens de pompé sur le fofo officiel et qui apporte plus de lisibilité au changelog. Thank you for using the FIBARO Home Center 3! Our constant improvements are to better your experience. Be sure to update to the latest version to enjoy new features. What's new: Block Scenes Actions on the LED ring for FIBARO Walli series devices. Actions for Z-Wave thermostats. Cameras Redirect to camera configuration after adding. Setting up a custom icon. Climate Indicating the active mode of climate schedule. Dashboard Controlling the binarySwitch, multilevelSwitch and rollerShutter devices from the right sidebar. Displaying the currently set temperature on the thermostat icon. Collapsing/expanding the rooms side menu. Devices Z-Wave removal mode available from the list of all devices. Displaying the battery level under the battery icon on the device list. Default humidity range changed to 40-50%. Unified configuration of various types of linked devices. Support for pending and failed associations. Support for the black box of FIBARO Heat Controller (FGT-001). Support for FIBARO RGBW Controller 2 (FGRGBW-442). Support for Z-Wave locks. Support for Z-Wave thermostats. Support for wind and rain sensors. General Downloading the current location of the gateway in https connection mode. Lua Scenes Possibility to download a scene trigger using the sourceTrigger object that triggered the scene. Values retrieved from the api are typed. Os.time, and fibaro.sleep functions. Migration from HC2/HCL "Finish migration" button on the welcome screen to restore backup transferred from HC2/HCL. Network Disabled switching off Wi-Fi during the first configuration. Other Shorter loading time of device and room lists. Added loaders for loading lists in settings. Unified display of entries in the debugger (Lua, Quick Apps) and the Z-Wave console. Collapsing/expanding the settings side menu. Added Czech language. Plugins Satel plugin fixes and improvements.. Integration of Satel alarm partitions with the FIBARO alarm. Profiles Display and control of climate zones. Display and control of alarm zones. New icons related to weather and temperature. Quick Apps New device types: com.fibaro.genericDevice and Values retrieved from the api are typed. Recovery Mode Displaying inactive system version. Progress bar when uploading a local file. Displaying the time remaining to automatic reboot of the gateway. Rooms Indicating the default room on the list of rooms. VoIP Added the functionality description. Bug fixes: Access No refresh after synchronizing users. Remote support cannot be enabled via remote access. Backup The "restore with version" feature does not download the correct software version. Instead of restoring the selected local backup, the latest local backup is always restored. Number of scenes in backup is always equal 0. Block Scenes Unable to enter the time in the delay block. Lists of rooms and sections do not load. Active "run scene" button despite unsaved changes. Selected triggers disappear after reloading page. No suitable options for the type com.fibaro.barrier. Redundant fields in blocks for RGBW devices. No condition values displayed for Central Scene controllers. Forcing the watering from the scene causes a system error. Missing translations. Cameras Cannot display the advanced tab. Incorrect image path causing no camera image. Invalid default image refresh time. Climate Incorrect limits of minimum and maximum temperature. Zone temperature is not displayed in manual mode. Restarting the gateway when any partition is in Hold mode causes a system error. Dashboard Search does not work properly if entered a dot in the search box. Devices No device polling button if polling is globally enabled. Double message about unsaved changes in device parameters. Errors in displaying the energy consumption of the device. No advanced settings section for Z-Wave locks supporting pin codes. Changing the role of RGBW device requires reloading the page to display properly. No icons for several types of sensors connected to the FIBARO Smart Implant. Cannot set the minimum and maximum RGBW slider value. Cannot reset advanced parameters to the default values. Invalid redirection to associated device. The Advanced tab is not displayed when added a scene with Central Scene event. USB powered device is marked as a battery device. The user added icon has an invalid path. Changing the device name is not applied in the notifications. Lack of support for the FIBARO Smart Implant device. Incorrect support of the Danfoss RS device. Diagnostics Unable to download the device template. Garden Setting is not displayed correctly on the days that the schedule does not apply to. Incorrect operation of sprinklers in a sequence. Lua Scenes Incorrect loading of the scene editor view. Errors in displaying the debugger. Network Changing the IP address or addressing mode does not work properly. Access Point is inactive after the recovery procedure. Notifications Lack of filtering by type and priority. Notifications for linked devices do not work. Other Displaying incorrect checkboxes when using a tablet. Inconsistent icons and buttons on warning popups. Plugins Philips Hue devices are set to default light values after switching off and on. No weather data displayed on the YR Weather plugin preview tab. Quick Apps New device is always assigned to the default room. The ID of an existing item changes when adding a new item. The device view is not updating. Lack of code scrolling. Importing an unassigned device results in an error. Visual fixes. Recovery Mode The restore, repair and switch actions do not display statuses. Visual fixes. Rooms The section name does not change when closing the window. Update Retrying to download the update returns an error. Z-Wave Unable to close the adding controller window. The mesh reconfiguration for the Z-Wave devices does not work.
  16. mprinfo

    HC3 - 5.020.60 - Stable - 05/02/2020

    HC 3 - 5.020.60 - "STABLE" - 05/02/2020 1er Firmware installé lors de la commercialisation de la HC3 Donc si vous avez des questions ou problèmes avec cette version c'est ici qu'on en parle Je n'ai pas de changelog vu que c'est le premier firmware disponible