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Quick App - DomoCharts - Graphiques sur NAS pour HC3


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Votre fichier est-il bien fermé ?


Pouvez-vous le mettre en intégralité dans une balise code ?

Exemple sur Synology avec MariaDB10:

/*** File    :                                               ***/
/*** Author  : Christophe DRIGET                                            ***/
/*** Version : 7.0                                                          ***/
/*** History : February 2014  : Initial release                             ***/
/***         : September 2015 : Add Teleinfo                                ***/
/***         : December  2015 : Add old data purge delay                    ***/
/***         : February  2021 : New version 7.0 for HC3                     ***/
/*** Note    : Configuration file                                           ***/

// MySQL Server hostname or IP address
$server = '';
// MySQL User account
$login = 'root';
// MySQL User password
$password = 'XXXXXXXXX';
// MySQL Database name
$database = 'domotique';

// Maximum number of days to display in graphs
// Note : increasing this number may considerably slow down graph generation time
$display_interval = 7; // DAY

// Old data purge delay
$db_interval_temperature = 7;
$db_interval_humidity = 7;
$db_interval_light = 7;
$db_interval_power = 7;
$db_interval_energy = 14;
$db_interval_water = 21;
$db_interval_gas = 21;
$db_interval_pressure = 21;
$db_interval_sound = 21;
$db_interval_rain = 21;
$db_interval_wind = 21;
$db_interval_particule = 21;
$db_interval_voltage = 21;
$db_interval_current = 21;
$db_interval_memory = 30;
$db_interval_cpu = 30;
$db_interval_network = 30;

//*** Teleinfo time for energy
// Variable = 'Value'           // Comment                                    : Allowed values
// --------   -------           // ------------------------------------------ : ---------------
$TimeSource = 'STATIC';         // Source of information for date and time    : TELEINFO|STATIC
// ---------------------------- // Valid only if TELEINFO TimeSource is used  : ---------------
$teleinfoTable = 'teleinfo';    // MySQL table name                           : xxxxxxxx
$teleinfoDelay = 60;            // Teleinfo Delay in Seconds                  : ss
// ---------------------------- // Valid only if STATIC TimeSource is used    : ---------------
$TimeHCHP = array(              // HC/HP start times for each EDF rate        : 'hh:mm' => '<BASE|HC|HP>'
	'00:00' => 'HC',
	'07:00' => 'HP',
	'23:00' => 'HC'
/*$TimeHCHP = array(              // HC/HP start times for each EDF rate        : 'hh:mm' => '<BASE|HC|HP>'
	'00:00' => 'BASE'


L'encodage est-il bon ?


Modifié par Kana-chan
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  • 1 mois après...

Bonjour, je rencontre un pb avec domocharts que je viens d'installer depuis quelques jours.

Il me retourne le message suivant :

DomoCharts:postAPI() => /usr/share/lua/5.3/json/decode/util.lua:35: unexpected character @ character: 8282 0:8282 [<] line:


J'ai suivi les différentes étapes du tuto et il créé bien les tables dans la bdd sur le serveur web de mon NAS.

En passant ne mode debug, je vois les différentes étapes où il interroge ma HC3, et il semble que les valeurs soient correctement relevées...jusqu'à l'apparition de ce message

Auriez-vous une piste pour expliquer l'erreur que je rencontre ?

Merci à vous.

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OK... dans ce cas essaye de tout réinstaller.

Je n'ai jamais vu cette erreur, mais je me demande si tu n'aurais pas eu un souci lors du transfert des fichiers PHP vers ton serveur.... le message d'erreur me fait penser à un problème d'encodage des caractères.

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merci @Lazer

J'ai réinstallé la bdd. Et là  tout semble fonctionner. Il y a certainement un fichier qui 'avait pas du être importé correctement dans le dossier du NAS...

Il n'y a plus qu'à exploiter les données désormais.


Merci de ton aide.

Bon week-end!


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petite question SQL pour faire du ménage :)


Si je souhaite dans la table  domocharts_temperature   renommer le device ID 725 par le nouveau device ID 800 .  y'a t'il une commande en SQL ?


sinon il faut supprimer :(


DELETE FROM domocharts_temperature WHERE device_id="725";



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Tu as 4 tables à modifier :

UPDATE domocharts_temperature SET device_id=800 WHERE device_id = 725;
UPDATE domocharts_temperature_day SET device_id=800 WHERE device_id = 725;
UPDATE domocharts_device SET id=800 WHERE id=725;
UPDATE domocharts_device_type SET device_id=800 WHERE device_id=725;

Note : les 2 dernières tables ont peut être déjà été mises à jour si tu as cliqué sur le bouton Devices du QuickApp (ou bien si le nouveau module 800 existe depuis hier... car le bouton est activité automatiquement tous les soirs)


ça fait très très très très (au moins tout ça) longtemps que je me dit qu'il faut que je prévoie une fonctionnalité dans DomoCharts pour remplacer facilement les ID des modules dans la base de données, mais ce n'est toujours pas fait... du coup je le fais à la main avec les requêtes SQL quand la situation se présente.


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  • 3 semaines après...

je n'arrive plus a faire fonctionner domocharts

je suis sous debian avec

- serveur web apache

- php 7.3

- MariaDB 10


j'arrive bien a créer la base domotique


par contre j'ai cette erreur avec le QA


Error #22001 => SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'name' at row 1

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Salut christophe


j'avais domocharts sur ma hc3 en test depuis un moment


lors de ma migration il y a peut de temps je n'avais pas eu le temps de me pencher sur domocharts car je voulais faire une nouvelle VM avec une base de données spécifique a la HC3 je suis nul en MySQL donc pour migrer ma base HC2 vers HC3 trop complexe pour moi


je suis donc reparti de zero


l'installation ce passe bien mais impossible de pousser les données vers la base domotique.


j'ai l'impression que j'ai un nom ou un truc du genre trop long mais en fait j'en sais rien c'est pour cela que je te demande de l'aide lorsque tu auras un peu de temps il n'y a aucune urgence Merci

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lorsque j'appuie sur le bouton


ensuite le debug me donne cela


[14.01.2023] [14:31:37] [ERROR] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: DomoCharts:postAPI() Error #22001 => SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'name' at row 1
[14.01.2023] [14:31:37] [ERROR] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: => Error #22001 => SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'name' at row 1



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voila la suite du debug

[14.01.2023] [14:31:37] [TRACE] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Update label "LabelStatus" to "Error #22001 => SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'name' at row 1"
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: DomoCharts:postAPI() success() response = {"data":"{\"data\":[{\"type\":\"temperature\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":1302},{\"type\":\"humidity\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":546},{\"type\":\"light\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":336},{\"type\":\"water_index\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":84},{\"type\":\"gas\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":84},{\"type\":\"sound\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":42},{\"type\":\"pressure\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":42},{\"type\":\"particule\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":42},{\"type\":\"voltage\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":42},{\"type\":\"power\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":1974},{\"type\":\"energy\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":1638},{\"type\":\"wind\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":42},{\"type\":\"memory\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":42},{\"type\":\"cpu\",\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":42}],\"success\":true,\"rowcount\":6258}","status":200,"headers":{"Server":"Apache\/2.4.54 (Debian)","Date":"Sat, 14 Jan 2023 13:31:37 GMT","Connection":"close","Content-Type":"application\/json; charset=utf-8","Transfer-Encoding":"chunked"}}
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: response : [{"type":"temperature","success":true,"rowcount":1302},{"type":"humidity","success":true,"rowcount":546},{"type":"light","success":true,"rowcount":336},{"type":"water_index","success":true,"rowcount":84},{"type":"gas","success":true,"rowcount":84},{"type":"sound","success":true,"rowcount":42},{"type":"pressure","success":true,"rowcount":42},{"type":"particule","success":true,"rowcount":42},{"type":"voltage","success":true,"rowcount":42},{"type":"power","success":true,"rowcount":1974},{"type":"energy","success":true,"rowcount":1638},{"type":"wind","success":true,"rowcount":42},{"type":"memory","success":true,"rowcount":42},{"type":"cpu","success":true,"rowcount":42}]
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: 6258 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [TRACE] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Delete 6258 previously stored sensors data
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'temperature' : 1302 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'humidity' : 546 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'light' : 336 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'water_index' : 84 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'gas' : 84 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'sound' : 42 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'pressure' : 42 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'particule' : 42 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'voltage' : 42 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'power' : 1974 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'energy' : 1638 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'wind' : 42 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'memory' : 42 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:31:38] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: type 'cpu' : 42 sensors data inserted in DB
[14.01.2023] [14:32:00] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: loop()
[14.01.2023] [14:32:00] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Total memory in use by Lua : 1999.79 KB, CPU consumed : 13080.16 ms ( 5.450 % )
[14.01.2023] [14:32:00] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getValues({}, {"1":{"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.temperatureSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"},"2":{"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.setPoint","dead":"false","property":"value"},"3":{"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.thermostatHorstmann","dead":"false","property":"heatingThermostatSetpoint"},"4":{"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.hvacSystem","dead":"false","property":"heatingThermostatSetpoint"},"5":{"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.hvacSystemHeat","dead":"false","property":"heatingThermostatSetpoint"},"6":{"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.hvacSystemCool","dead":"false","property":"coolingThermostatSetpoint"},"7":{"visible":"true","dbType":"humidity","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.humiditySensor","dead":"false","property":"value"},"8":{"visible":"true","dbType":"light","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.lightSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"},"9":{"visible":"true","dbType":"rain","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.rainSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"},"10":{"visible":"true","dbType":"wind","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.windSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"},"11":{"visible":"true","dbType":"water","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.waterMeter","dead":"false","dbField":"index","property":"value"},"12":{"visible":"true","dbType":"water","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dbField":"index","dead":"false","unit":"l","property":"value"},"13":{"visible":"true","dbType":"water","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"l\/min","property":"value"},"14":{"visible":"true","dbType":"gas","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"ppm","property":"value"},"15":{"visible":"true","dbType":"gas","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"ppb","property":"value"},"16":{"visible":"true","dbType":"sound","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"dB","property":"value"},"17":{"visible":"true","dbType":"sound","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"dBA","property":"value"},"18":{"visible":"true","dbType":"pressure","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"mb","property":"value"},"19":{"visible":"true","dbType":"pressure","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"mbar","property":"value"},"20":{"visible":"true","dbType":"pressure","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"hPa","property":"value"},"21":{"visible":"true","dbType":"particule","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"μg\/m3","property":"value"},"22":{"visible":"true","dbType":"voltage","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"V","property":"value"},"23":{"visible":"true","dbType":"voltage","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.electricMeter","dead":"false","unit":"V","property":"value"},"24":{"visible":"true","dbType":"current","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"A","property":"value"},"25":{"visible":"true","dbType":"current","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.electricMeter","dead":"false","unit":"A","property":"value"},"26":{"visible":"true","dbType":"power","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.powerMeter","dead":"false","property":"value"},"27":{"interface":"power","dbType":"power","dead":"false","visible":"true","property":"power"},"28":{"visible":"true","dbType":"energy","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.energyMeter","dead":"false","dbField":"index","property":"value"},"29":{"interface":"energy","dbType":"energy","dbField":"index","dead":"false","visible":"true","property":"energy"},"api":"devices"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:00] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.temperatureSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:00] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : temperature => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.temperatureSensor&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 30 temperature sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #27 'ZWA039 Cuisine' = 19.3 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #33 'ZWA039 Bureau' = 19.4 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #46 'FGMS Hall' = 26.2 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #58 'MCO Home CO2' = 19.0 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #119 'Fgms test' = 20.6 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #136 'Detecteur Fumee Garage' = 14.1 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #143 'Porte Entree' = 20.2 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #147 'Porte Chaufferie' = 16.6 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #238 'Sonde Dallas Jardin' = 10.2 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #239 'FGBS Grenier' = 9.5 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #242 'Porte Terasse' = 12.9 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #246 'MCO Home PM2.5' = 20.5 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #255 'FGMS RUE' = 8.7 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #272 'Porte Grenier' = 9.5 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #277 'Detecteur Fumee Grenier' = 8.2 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #279 'ST814 Salle de Bain' = 19.0 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #295 'Detecteur Fumee Escalier Grenier' = 17.5 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #317 'Température Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo' = 19.8 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #324 'Terrasse' = 7.9 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #346 'Sonde Dallas RUE' = 8.7 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #347 'Sonde Dallas Cuisine' = 18.9 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #348 'Sonde Dallas Chambre Pascal' = 17.8 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #364 'Temperature - XHTL 0' = 19.95 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #367 'Temperature - XHTL 1' = 14.68 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #370 'Haut - Ballon Eau Chaude HAUT' = 61.7415 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #371 'Bas - Ballon Eau Chaude milieu' = 60.2578 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #372 'milieu - Ballon Eau Chaude milieu' = 60.9286 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #384 'temperature' = 8.8 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #394 'ZW100' = 17.3 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #400 'ZW100' = 20.7 C
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.setPoint","dead":"false","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : temperature => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.setPoint&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 temperature sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.thermostatHorstmann","dead":"false","property":"heatingThermostatSetpoint"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : temperature => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.thermostatHorstmann&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 temperature sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.hvacSystem","dead":"false","property":"heatingThermostatSetpoint"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : temperature => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.hvacSystem&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 temperature sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.hvacSystemHeat","dead":"false","property":"heatingThermostatSetpoint"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : temperature => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.hvacSystemHeat&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 temperature sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"temperature","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.hvacSystemCool","dead":"false","property":"coolingThermostatSetpoint"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : temperature => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.hvacSystemCool&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 temperature sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"humidity","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.humiditySensor","dead":"false","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : humidity => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.humiditySensor&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 12 humidity sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #28 'ZWA039 Cuisine' = 55.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #34 'ZWA039 Bureau' = 55.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #59 'MCO Home CO2' = 46.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #247 'MCO Home PM2.5' = 43.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #280 'ST814 Salle de Bain' = 43.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #321 'Humidité Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo' = 56.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #326 'Terrasse' = 98.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #365 'Humidite XHTL 0' = 63.27 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #368 'Humidite - XHTL 1' = 81.64 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #386 'Humidité' = 84.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #396 'ZW100' = 50.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #402 'ZW100' = 49.0 %
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"light","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.lightSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : light => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.lightSensor&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 8 light sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #47 'FGMS Hall' = 8.0 lux
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #120 'Fgms test' = 0.0 lux
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #256 'FGMS RUE' = 224.0 lux
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #325 'Terrasse' = 239.0 lux
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #366 'Lux - XHTL 0' = 11.0 lux
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #369 'Lux - XHTL 1' = 0.0 lux
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #395 'ZW100' = 4.0 lux
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #401 'ZW100' = 0.0 lx
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"rain","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.rainSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : rain => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.rainSensor&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 rain sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"wind","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.windSensor","dead":"false","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : wind => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.windSensor&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 wind sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"water","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.waterMeter","dead":"false","dbField":"index","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : water => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.waterMeter&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 2 water sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #90 'Jour EAU' = 29.0 l
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #382 'Compteur eau chaud' = 3.7 l
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"water","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dbField":"index","dead":"false","unit":"l","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : water => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,l]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 water sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"water","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"l\/min","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : water => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,l%2Fmin]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 water sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"gas","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"ppm","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:01] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : gas => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,ppm]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 2 gas sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #60 'MCO Home CO2' = 654.0 ppm
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #318 'CO2 Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo' = 576.0 ppm
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"gas","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"ppb","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : gas => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,ppb]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 gas sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"sound","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"dB","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : sound => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,dB]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 1 sound sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #320 'Bruit Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo' = 36.0 dB
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"sound","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"dBA","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : sound => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,dBA]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 sound sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"pressure","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"mb","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : pressure => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,mb]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 pressure sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"pressure","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"mbar","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : pressure => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,mbar]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 1 pressure sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #319 'Pression Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo' = 987.0 mbar
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"pressure","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"hPa","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : pressure => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,hPa]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 pressure sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"particule","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"μg\/m3","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : particule => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,%CE%BCg%2Fm3]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 1 particule sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #248 'MCO Home PM2.5' = 43.0 μg/m3
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"voltage","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"V","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : voltage => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,V]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 1 voltage sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #102 'Tension' = 230.0 V
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"voltage","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.electricMeter","dead":"false","unit":"V","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : voltage => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.electricMeter&visible=true&property=[unit,V]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 voltage sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"current","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.multilevelSensor","dead":"false","unit":"A","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : current => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.multilevelSensor&visible=true&property=[unit,A]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 current sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"current","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.electricMeter","dead":"false","unit":"A","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : current => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.electricMeter&visible=true&property=[unit,A]&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 0 current sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"power","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.powerMeter","dead":"false","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : power => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.powerMeter&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 7 power sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #88 'Téléinfo INST' = 870.0 W
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #89 'Jour Electricite' = 7723.0 W
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #108 'Production' = 33.0 W
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #109 'Grid' = 576.0 W
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #313 'Jour Reseau' = 2.629 W
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #314 'INST Reseau' = 175.72 W
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #374 'Compteur Resistance' = 0.0 l
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"interface":"power","dbType":"power","dead":"false","visible":"true","property":"power"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : power => /devices?enabled=true&visible=true&interface=power&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 40 power sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #23 'Volet Bureau' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #43 'WallPlug' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #64 'Volet chambre Pascal ' = 0.6
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #69 'Lumiere Chaufferie' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #79 'Lumiere CH Amis' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #84 'Lumiere Bureau' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #87 'Téléinfo' = 590.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #99 'Onduleur Eaton' = 139.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #103 'Consommation' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #115 'Lumiere Local Reseau' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #126 'Lumiere Hall Entree' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #162 'Lumiere Hall Etage' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #167 'Volet Chaufferie' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #172 'Volet chambre Amis' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #180 'Prise Congelateur' = 0.3
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #184 'Lumiere chambre Pascal ' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #191 'Volet Salle à manger' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #196 'Volet chambre Chloe' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #201 'Lumiere Cuisine' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #210 'Volet Salon' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #215 'Lumiere Salle a Manger' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #224 'Lumiere Escalier grenier' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #263 'Lumiere Escalier RDC' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #264 'Lumiere Escalier RDC' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #268 'Lumiere WC' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #290 'Volet Salle de Bain' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #299 'Volet Cuisine' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #303 'Demodulateur SAT + Player FREE' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #304 'divers' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #305 'TV Philips' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #306 'Ampli ONKYO 717' = 38.1
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #307 'Pont HUE' = 1.6
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #308 'Nvidia Shield' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #379 'Conso POE' = 32.49
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #380 'POE #1' = 3.67
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #408 'Lumiere Salle de Bain' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #414 'Lumiere Garage' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #415 'Lumiere Rue' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #420 'Lumiere Jardin' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #421 'Lumiere Jardin' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"visible":"true","dbType":"energy","fibaroType":"com.fibaro.energyMeter","dead":"false","dbField":"index","property":"value"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : energy => /devices?enabled=true&type=com.fibaro.energyMeter&visible=true&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 3 energy sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #87 'Téléinfo' = 89097.781 kWh
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #106 'Total energy consumed' = 2394.903 kWh
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #107 'Total energy produced' = 2712.76975 kWh
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: getAPI({"interface":"energy","dbType":"energy","dbField":"index","dead":"false","visible":"true","property":"energy"})
[14.01.2023] [14:32:02] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Sensor type : energy => /devices?enabled=true&visible=true&interface=energy&property=[dead,false]
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: Found 36 energy sensors
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #23 'Volet Bureau' = 3.33
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #43 'WallPlug' = 0.02
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #64 'Volet chambre Pascal ' = 2.09
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #69 'Lumiere Chaufferie' = 4.47
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #79 'Lumiere CH Amis' = 0.01
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #84 'Lumiere Bureau' = 1.84
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #115 'Lumiere Local Reseau' = 0.77
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #126 'Lumiere Hall Entree' = 32.67
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #162 'Lumiere Hall Etage' = 13.91
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #167 'Volet Chaufferie' = 11.35
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #172 'Volet chambre Amis' = 0.9
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #180 'Prise Congelateur' = 585.6
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #184 'Lumiere chambre Pascal ' = 2.87
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #191 'Volet Salle à manger' = 12.26
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #196 'Volet chambre Chloe' = 10.97
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #201 'Lumiere Cuisine' = 34.15
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #210 'Volet Salon' = 10.68
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #215 'Lumiere Salle a Manger' = 6.6
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #224 'Lumiere Escalier grenier' = 13.18
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #263 'Lumiere Escalier RDC' = 6.73
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #264 'Lumiere Escalier RDC' = 19.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #268 'Lumiere WC' = 0.19
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #290 'Volet Salle de Bain' = 10.99
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #299 'Volet Cuisine' = 10.91
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #303 'Demodulateur SAT + Player FREE' = 9.7495
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #304 'divers' = 1.4755
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #305 'TV Philips' = 21.0924
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #306 'Ampli ONKYO 717' = 65.0943
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #307 'Pont HUE' = 2.5486
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #308 'Nvidia Shield' = 0.004
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #374 'Compteur Resistance' = 28.16
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #408 'Lumiere Salle de Bain' = 0.93
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #414 'Lumiere Garage' = 0.81
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #415 'Lumiere Rue' = 0.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #420 'Lumiere Jardin' = 2.0
[14.01.2023] [14:32:03] [DEBUG] [QA_DOMOCHARTS_381]: #421 'Lumiere Jardin' = 0.0


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Ce nom me parait long :

Température Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo

Il se peut que ton champ VARCHAR ne soit pas assez grand pour une entrée qui s'appelle "name" dans une des tables de domocharts. Ici tu as plus de 50 caractères.

Dans la table "domocharts_device" le champ "name" est un VARCHAR de 50 caractères, donc le nom de ton module de Station Météo est trop long. Change son nom dans ta HC3, ou bien recrée ta base en mettant une valeur de VARCHAR supérieure à 50 pour le champ name.

Dans la table "domocharts_room" le champ "name" est un VARCHAR de 32 caractères, donc il faut aussi que le nombre de caractères composant le nom de tes pièces soit inférieur à 32 caractères.

Dans la table "domocharts_type" le champ "name" est un VARCHAR de 32 caractères et le champ type est un VARCHAR de 50. Il faut aussi que tu vérifies si le texte qui est mis dans cette table, dans ces champs, ne dépasse pas en nombre de caractères.

Modifié par Kana-chan
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Ton explication me semble plausible car j'ai regardé un peu sur le net et c'est la déduction que j'avais fais

Mais le sql j'y connais rien

Dans ma jeunesse je faisais cela sous dBase est ça date

Je vais regarder et je vous tiens au courant

Merci pour votre aide

Envoyé de mon BLA-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk

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Il y a 3 heures, mprinfo a dit :

j'ai l'impression que j'ai un nom ou un truc du genre trop long

j'y pensais également, tu n'aurais pas un nom de module très long, ou avec bcp d'espaces à la fin ?

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Il y a 19 heures, Kana-chan a dit :



Ce nom me parait long :

Température Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo

Il se peut que ton champ VARCHAR ne soit pas assez grand pour une entrée qui s'appelle "name" dans une des tables de domocharts. Ici tu as plus de 50 caractères.

Dans la table "domocharts_device" le champ "name" est un VARCHAR de 50 caractères, donc le nom de ton module de Station Météo est trop long. Change son nom dans ta HC3, ou bien recrée ta base en mettant une valeur de VARCHAR supérieure à 50 pour le champ name.

Dans la table "domocharts_room" le champ "name" est un VARCHAR de 32 caractères, donc il faut aussi que le nombre de caractères composant le nom de tes pièces soit inférieur à 32 caractères.

Dans la table "domocharts_type" le champ "name" est un VARCHAR de 32 caractères et le champ type est un VARCHAR de 50. Il faut aussi que tu vérifies si le texte qui est mis dans cette table, dans ces champs, ne dépasse pas en nombre de caractères.


Super ton explication le probléme venait bien de VARCHAR que j'ai modifié de 50 à 70 dans la table "domocharts_device" avec phpMyAdmin c'est super simple a faire









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Attention, cette modification risque d'être perdue lors d'une mise à jour future de DomoCharts... enfin si je sors un jour une mise à jour...

A la base, quand j'avais dimensionné la taille des VARCHAR, c'était par rapport à la longueur maximale des champs dans la HC3... sur les firmwares de l'époque.

Donc théoriquement, impossible de dépasser.
En fait, ça veut dire que Fibaro a levé cette limitation et autorise maintenant des noms plus long.


Je m'interroge quand même sur la pertinence d'avoir des noms de modules aussi long... dans l'interface Web, et même dans l'application mobile ça doit être illisible.

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Je suis tout à fait d'accord, moi-même je n'ai pas changé et fait en sorte que les noms soient plus courts.

D'ailleurs, dans :

Température Station Metéo (Station Metéo) Station Metéo

Je trouve que "Station Metéo" est un peu trop répété ... :D


Modifié par Kana-chan
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