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Netatmo Welcome


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rooo, netatmo, fibaro meme combat.


avec tout de meme un espoir ...




We're indeed working on the API for Welcome.
It will be available in the following weeks, we will keep you posted on functionalities.
Thank you for your patience.


c'est le 27 aout.

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Comme l'a dit HANSOLO, l'API  est disponible.

L'accès en local au flux vidéo est possible. :60:


L'intégration dans notre système domotique semble possible (beaucoup de ressemblance avec l'intégration de la station de météo du même contructeur).


Voila qui incite à  passer commande :D

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You will need to change VD from 705 to your own... and create a few labels in the VD... change NAME1 to the name you put to the face on Netatmo Android/IOS app.


It works have fun... I am NOT a coder a lot fo this is copied and just changed to work! I found 15 secs the lowest I could hit API before it started to drop out.


Create a scene and call it every 15 seconds or main loop? but main loop can be bad as my coding skills are rubbish! :)




Virtual Device:


Create a variable called 'Seen'

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  • 2 mois après...

J'ai ce message d'erreur, pas de plantage chez toi @hansolo ?

[DEBUG] 17:09:13: [1;31m2015-12-06 17:09:13.942555 [ fatal] LUA error: /usr/share/lua/5.2/json/decode/util.lua:35: unexpected character @ character: 1 0:1 [<] line:
[DEBUG] 17:09:13: <[0m
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