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Tout ce qui a été posté par kead77

  1. kead77

    Portier Dahua Vto2000A

    Si quelqu'un m'intéresse, je vends: VTO2000A, VTH1550CH, Mount case VTOB108 tout nouveau avec boîte et utilisé uniquement pour les tests. Je expédier à travers l'Europe Détails en private message.
  2. Quelqu'un géré avec TTS et SoundTouch? Comment Sonos ...
  3. Jojo merci pour votre VD mais je avoir 6 panneaux de chauffage différents et je veux mettre chacun seul en mode OFF en fonction des événements individuels dans la chambre (en ouvrant des fenêtres le matin). Ce script est parfait à mon dessein. Si je veux appeler le mode manuel pour un temps donné, comment puis-je faire? Avec la commande " = 5" je imposée une valeur de température, mais ne sont pas appliquées et ne comprennent pas si elle est toujours. merci beaucoup pour votre temps
  4. Je ne comprenais pas bien ... Ce code a bien fonctionné (je copiais dans un autre thread dans le forum pour une VD). Je ne suis pas très bon à JSON ... en effet ... Vous pouvez écrire le code correct pour set manuel un panneau de chauffage de la température? Ou avez-vous un link autre thread?
  5. Normalement j'utiliser ce script pour définir un température manuel in panneau de chauffage De dernière version du firmware ne fonctionnera pas. Comment devrais-je changer? HC2 = Net.FHttp("",11111); -- Recovering info -- 4 is the heating zone response ,status, errorCode = HC2:GET("/api/panels/heating/4"); jsonTable = json.decode(response); -- Setting info = 0; -- Saving info json = json.encode(jsonTable); HC2:PUT("/api/panels/heating/4", json);
  6. kead77

    Support Gea

    I'm stupid... I have found the problem.. I have the Satal alarm connected to HC2. When the alarm is activated and i open the main entrance door (set whit 30 seconds late), fibaro stops GEA rules because i dont have set "Do not allow alarm to stop scene while alarm is running" I'm very stupid... thank you and sorry
  7. kead77

    Support Gea

    It's not a problem of -1 scripts. After many tests I have launched gea without a trigger and a single script as: local id = { TEMP_ALTA_PUFFER = 130, } GEA.add({ {"Value+", id["TEMP_ALTA_PUFFER"], 75}}, 20*60, "Temperatura Puffer oltre i 70 gradi", {{"Repeat"}}) But every some hours GEA instance stop...
  8. kead77

    Support Gea

    firmware 4.100 but same problem before... (after 4.8xx think). Boot every 12/24 hours?? I set one time for week!!
  9. kead77

    Support Gea

    After several tests I realized that my problem with GEA does not depend on my scripts. Independently of the number or type of running scripts in GEA, after 12-24 hours all the GEA scene he stops. I created two scenes GEA (with latest version 5:42) with a single control code, but they stop at the same time (I attach screenshots to understand). With the new firmware I see scenes from the list that is not active no instances after the block. You may depend on what? I am two months I no longer use this fantastic script!
  10. Oh! very interesting program! What's his name? For a manual backup which format do you recommend?
  11. Yes... my database it's about 120mb but when i download it in csv format it increase the size at 250mb... For now it's not a big problem.. i think for the future. I have stored data just for two months. But no problem. It'is ok!! Thank you
  12. This is a problem when i need to download the csv data from the myphp database... Ok... i hope in a future upgrade Thank you for your works!
  13. bonjour àtous! Mon DomoCharts fonctionne parfaitement!! J'ai un petit problème seulement: je dois de nombreux appareils et seulement quelques soins pour enregistrer les données dans la base de données (il devient énorme). vous pouvez sélectionner les dispositifs d'envoyer des données au serveur pour limiter le nombre de données?
  14. kead77

    Portier Dahua Vto2000A

    Je n'ai pas travaillé avec FTP mais: utiliser comme emplacement du dossier partagé de services comme Dropbox synchronisés sur le Synology?
  15. kead77

    Portier Dahua Vto2000A

    Now work perfectly!!! I have connected ConfigTool with the 3800 port and update the mars 2016 version! All ok! Thank you my friends!!!
  16. kead77

    Portier Dahua Vto2000A

    J'ai un problème. Je l'ai fait une mise àjour du firmware de VTH ConfigTool (2.100.0000.0.R.20160119 Version). Après avoir redémarré le VTH est noir. Seules les touches lumières sont bleu. En ethernet vous ne voyez que le port ssh. Aide!
  17. kead77

    Support Gea

    I posted a DEBUG sample in errors moment. At 09:51 nothing is started (10 minutes after the previous reset variables) Before this the debug it's ok and the variables reset work correctly every 10 minutes. Why at 09:48 GEA restart with "nothing to do"? [DEBUG] 09:31:51: Duration : 1s new delay : 29s / running since 15h 2s [DEBUG] 09:41:50: [ Always ] sendActions : doing actions (ID: 1) [Global,presence_ext,0] [Global,presence_int,0] [Global,presence_p1,0] [Global,presence_p2,0] [Global,presence_pt,0] [Global,presence_cucina,0] [Repeat] [DEBUG] 09:41:50: [ Always ] sendActions : !ACTION! : setGlobal presence_ext,0 (ID: 1) [Global,presence_ext,0] [Global,presence_int,0] [Global,presence_p1,0] [Global,presence_p2,0] [Global,presence_pt,0] [Global,presence_cucina,0] [Repeat] [DEBUG] 09:41:50: [ Always ] sendActions : !ACTION! : setGlobal presence_int,0 (ID: 1) [Global,presence_ext,0] [Global,presence_int,0] [Global,presence_p1,0] [Global,presence_p2,0] [Global,presence_pt,0] [Global,presence_cucina,0] [Repeat] [DEBUG] 09:41:50: [ Always ] sendActions : !ACTION! : setGlobal presence_p1,0 (ID: 1) [Global,presence_ext,0] [Global,presence_int,0] [Global,presence_p1,0] [Global,presence_p2,0] [Global,presence_pt,0] [Global,presence_cucina,0] [Repeat] [DEBUG] 09:41:50: [ Always ] sendActions : !ACTION! : setGlobal presence_p2,0 (ID: 1) [Global,presence_ext,0] [Global,presence_int,0] [Global,presence_p1,0] [Global,presence_p2,0] [Global,presence_pt,0] [Global,presence_cucina,0] [Repeat] [DEBUG] 09:41:50: [ Always ] sendActions : !ACTION! : setGlobal presence_pt,0 (ID: 1) [Global,presence_ext,0] [Global,presence_int,0] [Global,presence_p1,0] [Global,presence_p2,0] [Global,presence_pt,0] [Global,presence_cucina,0] [Repeat] [DEBUG] 09:41:50: [ Always ] sendActions : !ACTION! : setGlobal presence_cucina,0 (ID: 1) [Global,presence_ext,0] [Global,presence_int,0] [Global,presence_p1,0] [Global,presence_p2,0] [Global,presence_pt,0] [Global,presence_cucina,0] [Repeat] [DEBUG] 09:41:50: Duration : 0s new delay : 30s / running since 15h 10m 1s [DEBUG] 09:48:21: GEA Version 5.42 : Running... [DEBUG] 09:48:21: Run : nothing to do [DEBUG] 09:57:59: [ 2017 | n/a ] Add Property : task added for instant run (ID: 10) [Inverse] [DEBUG] 09:57:59: [ 2017 | n/a ] Add Property : task added for instant run (ID: 11) [Time,08:30,17:00] [Days,Monday, Tuesday, , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday] [DEBUG] 09:57:59: GEA Version 5.42 : Running... [DEBUG] 09:57:59: [ 2017 | n/a ] sendActions : doing actions (ID: 11) [Time,08:30,17:00] [Days,Monday, Tuesday, , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday] [DEBUG] 09:57:59: [ 2017 | n/a ] sendActions : !ACTION! : sendPush Basculante garage aperta alle 09:57:59 (ID: 11) [Time,08:30,17:00] [Days,Monday, Tuesday, , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday] [DEBUG] 09:58:28: GEA Version 5.42 : Running... [DEBUG] 09:58:28: Run : nothing to do for ID:2256 [DEBUG] 09:58:28: GEA Version 5.42 : Running...
  18. kead77

    Support Gea

    Yes, a lua script increase the variables in case of presence in some room. I preferred this solution to not give too much works to GEA... I show you.. --[[ %% properties 2019 value 2023 value 2004 value 2020 value 2018 value 2002 value 2016 value 143 value 2021 value 2022 value 2541 value 2523 value %% events %% globals --]] -- Limitazione di una sola scena alla volta ----- if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort() end pir_sogg = 2019; pir_sogg2 = 2523; pir_cucina = 2023; pir_scala = 2004; pir_scala_man = 2020; pir_mans = 2018; pir_ing_int = 2002; pir_taverna = 2016; pir_ext_sud = 143; pir_ext_terrazza = 2021; pir_ext_fronte = 2022; basculante = 2541; local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); local pir = startSource["deviceID"] if pir == pir_sogg or pir_sogg2 then fibaro:setGlobal("presence_pt", fibaro:getGlobalValue('presence_pt') + 1) elseif pir == pir_cucina then fibaro:setGlobal("presence_cucina", fibaro:getGlobalValue('presence_cucina') + 1) elseif pir == pir_scala or pir_scala_man then fibaro:setGlobal("presence_p1", fibaro:getGlobalValue('presence_p1') + 1) elseif pir == pir_mans then fibaro:setGlobal("presence_p2", fibaro:getGlobalValue('presence_p2') + 1) elseif pir == pir_ing_int or pir_taverna or basculante then fibaro:setGlobal("presence_int", fibaro:getGlobalValue("presence_int") + 1) elseif pir == pir_ext_sud or pir_ext_terrazza or pir_ext_fronte then fibaro:setGlobal("presence_ext", fibaro:getGlobalValue('presence_ext') + 1) end
  19. kead77

    Support Gea

    Yes... i'm sorry This is my GEA script: --==SISTEMA PRESENZA E GENERALE== -- ogni minuto premi il pulsante del modulo virtuale per invio dati ai grafici della centrale termica GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_ext", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_int", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_p1", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_p2", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_pt", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_cucina", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add( id["LUCE_PORTICATO"], 20*60, "", {{"turnOff"}}) GEA.add( id["LUCE_EXT_GARAGE"], 20*60, "", {{"turnOff"}}) GEA.add( id["FARO_SUD"], 5*60, "", {{"Time", "Sunrise+30", "Sunset-30"}, {"turnOff"}}) --solo di giorno GEA.add( id["FARO_RETRO"], 5*60, "", {{"Time", "Sunrise+30", "Sunset-30"}, {"turnOff"}}) GEA.add( id["LUCE_INGRESSO"], 5*60, "", {{"turnOff"}, {"Time", "Sunrise+30", "Sunset-30"}}) GEA.add( id["RGBW_PORTICATO"], 5*60, "", {{"Time", "Sunrise+30", "Sunset-30"}, {"turnOff"}}) GEA.add( id["LUCE_PORTICATO"], 5*60, "", {{"Time", "Sunrise+30", "Sunset-30"}, {"turnOff"}}) --==GARAGE== -- Spegne automaticamente le luci seguenti dopo 20 minuti che sono accese GEA.add( id["LUCE_GARAGE"], 20*60, "", {{"turnOff"}}) --Se la basculante è aperta da piu di 20 minuti manda notifica GEA.add(id["BASCULANTE"], 20*60, "La basculante è aperta da piu di #duration# minuti", {{"Global", "TTS", "La Basculante è aperta da oltre 20 minuti"}, {"VirtualDevice", 2342, 1}, {"Repeat"}}) -- Manda messaggio alla chiusura della basculante GEA.add( id["BASCULANTE"], -1, "La basculante è stata chiusa", {{"Inverse"}}) --==CAMERE== -- Se la temperatura esterna è inferiore a 15 gradi e la fineestra della camere è aperta da piu di 20 minuti allora invia notifica TTS al coniglio local condition = {"If",{{"Value-", id["TEMP_EXT_NETATMO"], 15}}} GEA.add( id["FIN_ALENA"], 20*60, "", {{"Global", "TTS", "La finestra della camera di Alena è aperta da 20 minuti e fuori fa freddo"}, {"VirtualDevice", 2342, 1}, condition}) --==CENTRALE TERMICA== --se la temperatura bassa del puffer è maggiore di 70 gradi invia notifica per problemi GEA.add({ {"Value+", id["TEMP_ALTA_PUFFER"], 75}}, 20*60, "Temperatura Puffer oltre i 70 gradi", {{"Repeat"}}) -- se la temperatura alta del puffer è inferiore a 30 gradi e la caldaia è accesa e il consenso è ON manda notifica GEA.add({ {"Value-", id["TEMP_ALTA_PUFFER"], 30}, {"Global", "consenso_caldaia", "on"}, caldaiaon}, 30*60, "Attenzione è finito il pellet", {{"Repeat"}}) -- se la temperatura alta del puffer è inferiore a 30 gradi e la caldaia è accesa e il consenso è ON manda notifica GEA.add({ {"Value-", id["TEMP_ALTA_PUFFER"], 30}, {"Global", "consenso_caldaia", "on"}, caldaiaon}, 60*60, "", {{"Time","07:00","21:00"}, {"Global", "TTS", "è finito il pellet"}, {"VirtualDevice", 2342, 1}, {"Repeat"}}) --==SOGGIORNO== --spegne la luce se accesa da 20 minuti e la variabile presenza è a 0 GEA.add( id["LAMPADARIO_SOGG"], 20*60, "", {{"Global", "presence_pt", "0"}, {"turnOff"}}) --Se l'allarme è attivato chiudi la persiana in soggiorno GEA.add({"Global", "allarme_notte", 1}, 2*60, "", {{"Close",id["PERSIANA_SOGG"],100}}) --Se l'allarme è disattivato apri leggermente la persiana in soggiorno GEA.add({"Global", "allarme_notte", 0}, 3*60, "", {{"Open",id["PERSIANA_SOGG"],99}}) --==CUCINA== --spegne la luce se accesa da 10 minuti e la variabile presenza è a 0 GEA.add( id["LUCE_CUCINA"], 10*60, "spengo luce cucina", {{"Global", "presence_cicina", "0"}, {"turnOff"}}) --==TAVERNA== GEA.add(id["H2O_TAVERNA"], -1, "PERDITA ACQUA IN TAVERNA") --==VANO SCALE== GEA.add( id["LUCE_SCALE_NOTTE"], 10*60, "", {{"Global", "presence_p1", "0"}, {"turnOff"}}) GEA.add( id["LUCE_ING_INTERRATO"], 10*60, "", {{"Global", "presence_int", "0"}, {"turnOff"}}) --==VMC SOGGIORNO== --Quando la CO2 in soggiorno è superiore al valore di benessere 800 e tra le 7 e le 21 allora accendi il VMC in soggiorno dopo 1 minuto -- se è inferiore a 700 per 1 minuto spegni il VMC local vmc = 2451 --Da verificare perche senza la variabile qui non funziona GEA.add({"Value+", id["CO2_SOGG"], 800}, 15*60, "Accensione VMC, CO2 a #value#", {{"turnOn", vmc}, {"Time","07:00","21:00"}}) -- Spegne il VMC la sera alle ore 21.30 GEA.add(id["VMC_SOGG"], 1*60, "Spengo VMC perche sono le ore 21", {{"turnOff"}, {"Time","21:30","21:31"}}) --Se espulsione del VMC è attiva da piu di 15 minuti spegnila GEA.add(id["ESPULSIONE_VMC"], 20*60, "", {{"Global", "TTS", "Ho spento espulsione forzata ventilazione cucina"}, {"VirtualDevice", 2342, 1}, {"turnOff"}}) --==IRRIGAZIONE== --Se la variabile pioggia giornaliera è superiore a 0.1 e se è estate imposta ritardo irrigazione di 24 ore GEA.add({"Global+", "rain_for_day", 0.1}, 1*60, "piove", {{"DST"}, {"VirtualDevice", 2336, 2}}) The script sometime no work are: GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_ext", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_int", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_p1", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_p2", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_pt", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) GEA.add(true, 10*60, "",{{"Global", "presence_cucina", "0"},{"Repeat"}}) --Se l'allarme è attivato chiudi la persiana in soggiorno GEA.add({"Global", "allarme_notte", 1}, 2*60, "", {{"Close",id["PERSIANA_SOGG"],100}}) --Se l'allarme è disattivato apri leggermente la persiana in soggiorno GEA.add({"Global", "allarme_notte", 0}, 3*60, "", {{"Open",id["PERSIANA_SOGG"],99}}) --Se la variabile pioggia giornaliera è superiore a 0.1 e se è estate imposta ritardo irrigazione di 24 ore GEA.add({"Global+", "rain_for_day", 0.1}, 1*60, "piove", {{"DST"}, {"VirtualDevice", 2336, 2}})
  20. kead77

    Support Gea

    I have some script write it to work every 10 minutes. Sometime they no start and the debug report this delay... Where could be the problem?
  21. kead77

    Support Gea

    Hello everyone, Sometime gea a few scripts do not work (for example as resetting of a global variable every 10 minutes). I read in debug an entry similar to this: "[DEBUG] 21:05:59: Duration: 1s new delay: 29s / running since 20m 1s" The duration and the delay is varied and not always the same. This "error" causes a delay of all scripts. Why this action? what can i do? Thank you
  22. local deviceName = fibaro:getName(id) I think it's a problem with my devices... How can i do to see the devices list whit Id number? (to find the device with error)
  23. Yes, any data in the domotique_device table. In others tables i have correct data (example "domotique_temperature", "domotique_light"). If i press "Device" in the Virtual device the data do not be saved in database. I read the Debug of the "Device" button. I see a part lis of the device but one is a error. Here a part of the debug: .... [DEBUG] 21:17:38: 517 2551 Quadro pompe birra Taverna [DEBUG] 21:17:38: 521 2555 Persiana Soggiorno soggiorno [DEBUG] 21:17:38: 528 2571 consumo generale Energia [DEBUG] 21:17:38: 533 2577 plug A FRIGO Energia [DEBUG] 21:17:38: 535 2579 TV soggiorno Energia [DEBUG] 21:17:38: 540 2591 Cella Energia [ERROR] 21:17:38: line 213: Assertion failed
  24. I installed everything as a guide. HC2 works ok and sends the data to the database. In the database I see the saved data. I have only problem with the web interface. I can not view the data. Also, if I go to the admin page is blank (only black and blue background) I copied the files many times the problem is the same. What can I do?
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