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À propos de Steven

  • Rang
    Maitre Yoda du forum
  • Date de naissance 18/04/1971

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  • Sexe :
  • Ville :
    Valleiry, Haute-Savoie
  • Intéret :
    Domotique, Fitness et programmation
  • Box
    Home Center 2
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  1. My family is away for 10-14 days, it's easier to testing HC2 in home without a family on place. :-) If you want I can be a tester. Please write me what I will test for you, then I will answer if I have the right configuration of z-wave network. 

    In general I have:
    RGBW module, dimmers, switches, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, motion detectors, opening sensors, flood sensors, roller shutter / roof window actuators, smoke detectors, netatmo, etherent controller for watering the garden, sonos,
    I use data from external devices in xml and json.table to control events too.

    And it's easier for me to write English in technical matters :-(

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    2. Steven


      Hi and thanks,


      For Scenario, you need to pass it args like in your function you did before. So you need to do it like this inside {}
      {"Scenario", 18, { {tekst = "Brama%20otwierana!"}, {typ = "3"} }  }


      Can you please copy me your line 74 ?


      Again thanks for this helpfull testing

    3. drboss


      About line 74:

      If I add only "64 value" in %% properties section without any other change (not added any GEA.add only exist Your 4 line with example of time 0) the line 74 is (in clear gea_6beta3.lua from you this is line 73) :


      if not tools then tools={version="2.00",addstyle="",isdebug=false,log=function(a,b,c)a=tools.tostring(a)for d,e in string.gmatch(a,"(#spaces(%d+)#)")do local f=""for g=1,e do f=f.."."end;a=string.gsub(a,d,"<span style=\"color:black;""\">"..f.."</span>")end;if tools.isdebug or c then fibaro:debug("<span style=\"color:"..(b or"white")..";""\">"..a.."</span>")end end,error=function(a,b)tools.log(a,b or"red",true)end,warning=function(a,b)tools.log(a,b or"orange",true)end,info=function(a,b)tools.log(a,b or"white",true)end,debug=function(a,b)tools.log(a,b or"gray",false)end,tostring=function(h)if type(h)=="boolean"then if h then return"true"else return"false"end elseif type(h)=="table"then if json then return json.encode(h)else return"table found"end else return tostring(h)end end,split=function(i,j)local j,k=j or":",{}local l=string.format("([^%s]+)",j)i:gsub(l,function(m)k[#k+1]=m end)return k end,trim=function(n)return n:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$","%1")end,deep_print=function(o)for g,p in pairs(o)do if type(p)=="table"then deep_print(p)else print(g,p)end end end,iif=function(q,r,s)if q then return r else return s end end,cut=function(t,u)u=u or 10;if u<t:len()then return t:sub(1,u-3).."..."end;return t end,isNumber=function(v)if type(v)=="number"then return true end;if type(v)=="string"then return type(tonumber(v))=="number"end;return false end,getStringTime=function(w)if w then return"%H:%M:%S")end;return"%H:%M")end,toTime=function(x)local y,z=string.match(x,"(%d+):(%d+)")local"*t")local B=os.time{year=A.year,month=A.month,,hour=y,min=z,sec=0}if B<os.time()then B=os.time{year=A.year,month=A.month,,hour=y,min=z,sec=0}end;return B end,getStringDate=function()return"%d/%m/%Y")end,isNil=function(C)return type(C)=="nil"end,isNotNil=function(C)return not tools.isNil(C)end}end

      And the error after turn on/off the device id 64 is:

      Started by event of GEA 6.00beta3 (mode property [64])
      [DEBUG] 19:25:28: line 74: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
      [DEBUG] 19:25:46: @30s [Validation] #1 [Info+, ["serverStatus",1508347396]] | 0 | Box red... | < no action >
      [DEBUG] 19:25:46: @30s [stopped] #2 [true] | 0 | Démarr... | < no action >


      but if I add in user section any GEA.add, ex:

      GEA.add(64, -1, "test message")

      they not take action and the error message is the same with the same 74 line:

      [DEBUG] 19:34:40: @60s [Validation] #3 [Info, ["updateStableAvailable",true]] | 86400 | Une nou... | < no action > *repeat*
      [DEBUG] 19:34:40: @60s [Validation] #4 [Info, ["updateBetaAvailable",true]] | 86400 | Une nou... | < no action > *repeat*
      [DEBUG] 19:35:04: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 19:35:04: Started by event of GEA 6.00beta3 (mode property [64])
      [DEBUG] 19:35:04: line 74: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
      [DEBUG] 19:35:05: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 19:35:05: Started by event of GEA 6.00beta3 (mode property [64])
      [DEBUG] 19:35:05: line 74: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)



      if i add in user section (setEvents()) more line and code for device 64 or any other, all the time the error message display line 74. IF i remove any line (comments or your example gea.add) from user section this nothings change too, the error line is fix and error ocours if any of devices in section  " %% properties" are triggered

      ps. one modification doing by me before start scene for test is changing the  GEA.globalvariables to "GEA_Tasks6beta3T" in case of testing in system with another GEA scene function.

      And I things it's important that triggering with same devices and GEA.add line work fine in previous beta version.



    4. drboss


      second problem with error in call scene or VD labels:

      testing lines:

      GEA.add(64, 1, "test message 1", {"Scenario", 118, { {tekst = "Test message 1"}, {typ = "3"} }  })
      GEA.add(65, 1, "test message 2", {{"Scenario", 118, {{tekst = "test message 2"}, {typ = "3"}, {czas = "30"}}}, {"Label", 45, "Message", "test message 2"}, {"VirtualDevice", 45,1}} )
      GEA.add(66, 1, "test message 3", {{"Label", 45, "Message", "test message 3"}, {"VirtualDevice", 45,1}} )
      GEA.add(67, 1, "test message 4", {{"Label", 45, "Message", "test message 4"}} )  



      and debug results (i checked te number of { and }, if I haven't problem with eyes on end of the day the numbers of {} is okey :D )

       [DEBUG] 20:02:16: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:02:16: Started automatically of GEA 6.00beta3 (mode autostart)
      [DEBUG] 20:02:16: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:02:16: Use minifiertools v. 2.00
      [DEBUG] 20:02:16: Check automatic every 30 seconds
      [DEBUG] 20:02:16: Creation of GEA_Tasks6beta3T global variable
      [DEBUG] 20:02:16: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: Searching plugins, ... :Found any
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: Loading user code setEvents() ...
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: Add auto : #2 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"Test message 1"},{"typ":"3"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: Add auto : #3 [65] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"test message 2"},{"typ":"3"},{"czas":"30"}]]][Label, [45,"Message","test message 2"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: Add auto : #4 [66] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 3"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: Add auto : #5 [67] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 4"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: GEA started on 18.10.17 at 20:02:17 ...
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: @0s [Validation*] #2 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"Test message 1"},{"typ":"3"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: @0s [Validation*] #3 [65] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"test message 2"},{"typ":"3"},{"czas":"30"}]]][Label, [45,"Message","test message 2"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: @0s [Validation*] #4 [66] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 3"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:17: @0s [Validation*] #5 [67] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 4"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:47: @30s [Validation*] #2 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"Test message 1"},{"typ":"3"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:47: @30s [Démarrage] #2 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"Test message 1"},{"typ":"3"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:47:         [action] [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"Test message 1"},{"typ":"3"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:47: Error, check : [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"Test message 1"},{"typ":"3"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: @30s [Validation*] #3 [65] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"test message 2"},{"typ":"3"},{"czas":"30"}]]][Label, [45,"Message","test message 2"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: @30s [Démarrage] #3 [65] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"test message 2"},{"typ":"3"},{"czas":"30"}]]][Label, [45,"Message","test message 2"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48:         [action] [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"test message 2"},{"typ":"3"},{"czas":"30"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: Error, check : [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"test message 2"},{"typ":"3"},{"czas":"30"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48:         [action] [Label, [45,"Message","test message 2"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: Error, check : [Label, [45,"Message","test message 2"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48:         [action] [VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: @30s [Validation*] #4 [66] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 3"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: @30s [Démarrage] #4 [66] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 3"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48:         [action] [Label, [45,"Message","test message 3"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: Error, check : [Label, [45,"Message","test message 3"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48:         [action] [VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: @30s [Validation*] #5 [67] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 4"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: @30s [Démarrage] #5 [67] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 4"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48:         [action] [Label, [45,"Message","test message 4"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:02:48: Error, check : [Label, [45,"Message","test message 4"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:03:17: @60s [stopped] #2 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"Test message 1"},{"typ":"3"}]]]
      [DEBUG] 20:03:17: @60s [stopped] #3 [65] | 1 | test me... | [Scenario, [118,[{"tekst":"test message 2"},{"typ":"3"},{"czas":"30"}]]][Label, [45,"Message","test message 2"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:03:17: @60s [stopped] #4 [66] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 3"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:03:17: @60s [stopped] #5 [67] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 4"]

      the line:

      GEA.add(64, 1, "test message 0", {{"Label", 45, "Message", "test message 0"}, {"VirtualDevice", 45,1}, {"Function", function() fibaro:startScene(118, {{tekst = "test message 0"}, {typ = "3"}, {czas = "30"}}) end}})  

      working in GEA5 without problems, but in 6beta they give problem with {"Label", 45, "Message", "test message 0"} without stop next commands (call VD button and fuction for call scene).


       [DEBUG] 20:07:22: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:07:22: Started automatically of GEA 6.00beta3 (mode autostart)
      [DEBUG] 20:07:22: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:07:22: Use minifiertools v. 2.00
      [DEBUG] 20:07:22: Check automatic every 30 seconds
      [DEBUG] 20:07:22: Creation of GEA_Tasks6beta3T global variable
      [DEBUG] 20:07:22: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:07:24: Searching plugins, ... :Found any
      [DEBUG] 20:07:24: Loading user code setEvents() ...
      [DEBUG] 20:07:24: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:07:24: Add auto : #1 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 0"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]][Function, {...}]
      [DEBUG] 20:07:24: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [DEBUG] 20:07:24: GEA started on 18.10.17 at 20:07:24 ...
      [DEBUG] 20:07:24: @0s [Validation*] #1 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 0"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]][Function, {...}]
      [DEBUG] 20:07:54: @30s [Validation*] #1 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 0"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]][Function, {...}]
      [DEBUG] 20:07:54: @30s [Démarrage] #1 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 0"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]][Function, {...}]
      [DEBUG] 20:07:54:         [action] [Label, [45,"Message","test message 0"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:07:54: Error, check : [Label, [45,"Message","test message 0"]]
      [DEBUG] 20:07:54:         [action] [VirtualDevice, [45,1]]
      [DEBUG] 20:07:54:         [action] [Function, {...}]
      [DEBUG] 20:08:24: @60s [stopped] #1 [64] | 1 | test me... | [Label, [45,"Message","test message 0"]][VirtualDevice, [45,1]][Function, {...}]
      [DEBUG] 20:12:24: GEA run since 5m 


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