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Donc j'ai essayé de trouver la ligne d'erreur, j'ai dà» décalé quelque peut les lignes mais l'erreur provient de la ligne de code suivante :

elseif (type(id) == "table" and GEA.match(string.lower(id[1]), "global|global.")) then

Je n'y comprends rien, car je n'ai rien modifié qui pourrait générer un telle erreur!

Ensuite mon GEA est toute les 1min redémarré par WatchDog, bordel de bordel  :-(

[DEBUG] 11:33:18: line 1323: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got boolean)

Bon, sujet clos, j'ai trouvé

En voulant essayé de gérer mes alertes sur le passage d'heure d'été / Hiver, j'ai entouré le déclencheur true, d'accolade !
Le bordel!


Merci encore de ma voir lu, désolé du dérangement.

Je ne sais toujours pas pour l'instant m'envoyer une alerte quand je change de l'été à  l'hiver le jour J et non chaque jour que je fais le test.

Enfin pas grave, cela ne va pas m'empêcher de dormir.  :-)

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J'avais pas vu que tu avais trouvé le soucis  ;) Bien joué.


Ton GEA est propre ça fait plaisir à  voir.



As-tu essayer cela :

GEA.add({"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","HIVER"}, 30, "Passage à  l'heure d'été, penser à  avancer d'une heure", {{"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","ETE"},{"DST"},{"Time", "05:00", "05:01"}})
GEA.add({"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","ETE"}, 30, "Passage à  l'heure d'hiver, penser à  reculer d'une heure", {{"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","HIVER"},{"NOTDST"},{"Time", "05:00", "05:01"}}) 
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J'avais pas vu que tu avais trouvé le soucis  ;) Bien joué.


Ton GEA est propre ça fait plaisir à  voir.



As-tu essayer cela :

GEA.add({"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","HIVER"}, 30, "Passage à  l'heure d'été, penser à  avancer d'une heure", {{"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","ETE"},{"DST"},{"Time", "05:00", "05:01"}})
GEA.add({"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","ETE"}, 30, "Passage à  l'heure d'hiver, penser à  reculer d'une heure", {{"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","HIVER"},{"NOTDST"},{"Time", "05:00", "05:01"}}) 


Je vais essayer.  :-)





Ca marche comme je veux, cool

Merci bcp


Aller je vais aller prendre le soleil, après un repas, plancha dehors un premier novembre

trop de la balle

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j'ai un gros probleme enfin pas très gros ;)

GEA.add({"Dead", id["LPDECO"]}, 30, "defaut #time#", {{"Repeat"}})

Si je débranche le FGD je ne reçois pas la notification DEFAUT, il faut que je cliquer sur on (allumer la lampe)  pour recevoir la notification 30s après.

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Super @kioneoranga,


Finalement, tu utilises quel code pour tes alertes de changement d'heures ?


Oui, ca sent la pale copie de ma part hihihi




Il existe déjà  un VD "Jour chomé", t'embetes pas ;-)



Tout simplement le code conseillé par Steven

 	 -- ### ETE / HIVER ##
     GEA.add({"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","HIVER"}, 30, "Passage à  l'heure d'été, penser à  avancer d'une heure", {{"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","ETE"},{"DST"},{"Time", "05:00", "05:01"},{"Portable", id["TELEPHONE_ERIC"]},{"Portable", id["TELEPHONE_MANUELA"]}})
     GEA.add({"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","ETE"}, 30, "Passage à  l'heure d'hiver, penser à  reculer d'une heure", {{"Global","HEURE_ETE_HIVER","HIVER"},{"NOTDST"},{"Time", "05:00", "05:01"},{"Portable", id["TELEPHONE_ERIC"]},{"Portable", id["TELEPHONE_MANUELA"]}}) 
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Je veux envoyer des données via un périphérique virtuel à  ThingSpeak avec l'intervalle de 15 minutes.

J'utilise le code suivant. Cela fonctionne, mais y at-il une meilleure façon de le faire?




GEA.add(true, 15*60, "", {{"Repeat"}, {"Time","00:01","23:59"},{"VirtualDevice", id["NBThingSpeak"], "1"}})

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Im trying to achieve some automatic lighting based on 2 variables, home / away and light / dark.


I have some questions how to make this work, first how should i combine the variables, like this:


  local HomeDark = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"}
  local HomeLight = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
  local AwayDark = {"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"}
  local AwayLight = {"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
or is this possible? :  
  local Home = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}
  local Away = {"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}
  local Light = {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
  local Dark = {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"} 
  local HomeDark = {Home}, {Dark}
  local HomeLight = {Home}, {Light} 
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Ma première ligne fonctionne très bien, mais je veux seulement qu'elle soit active si la variable globale "heater_se" est "On"

Quel est le bon code pour cela?

Merci d'avance,


GEA.add(true, 3*60, "", {{"Repeat"}, {"VirtualDevice", id["Energy"], "1"}})

GEA.add({"Global", "heater_se", On}, 3*60, "", {{"Repeat"}, {"VirtualDevice", id["Energy"]}, "1"}})
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thank you for the quick answer


will the following be the right code then?


  GEA.add(HomeLight, 1, "", {
    {"turnOff", 482}, --worktop
    {"turnOff", 621}, --small light kitchen
    {"turnOff", 17}, --fire place
    {"turnOff", 619}, --small light living
    {"turnOff", 695}, --living main
    { "VirtualDevice", 666, 1}, --Iris HUE off
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Hello @seriksson,


It's OK as you write it.

you don't need "Repeat" i think


Hi @pepite,


I got the following error

[DEBUG] 12:26:31: line 234: ')' expected near '}'

For this line

GEA.add({"Global", "heater_se", On}, 3*60, "", {{"Repeat"}, {"VirtualDevice", id["Energy"]}, "1"}})
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okay, thanks for the help so far

but when I use the code below, and I change the lux variable once (from dark to light), my lights keep going off and on and off and on

i didn't mean to built a disco, what am I doing wrong?


  GEA.add(HomeLight, 1, "", {
    {"turnOff", 482}, --worktop
    {"turnOff", 621}, --small light kitchen
    {"turnOff", 17}, --fire place
    {"turnOff", 619}, --small light living
    {"turnOff", 695}, --living main
    { "VirtualDevice", 666, 1}, --Iris HUE off



  GEA.add(HomeDark, 1, "", {
    {"turnOn", 482}, --worktop
    {"turnOn", 621}, --small light kitchen
    {"turnOn", 17}, --fire place
    {"turnOn", 619}, --small light living
    {"turnOn", 695}, --living main
    { "VirtualDevice", 666, 2}, --Iris HUE off


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Im trying to achieve some automatic lighting based on 2 variables, home / away and light / dark.


I have some questions how to make this work, first how should i combine the variables, like this:


  local HomeDark = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"}
  local HomeLight = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
  local AwayDark = {"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"}
  local AwayLight = {"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}, {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
or is this possible? :  
  local Home = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}
  local Away = {"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}
  local Light = {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
  local Dark = {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"} 
  local HomeDark = {Home}, {Dark}
  local HomeLight = {Home}, {Light} 



Both are the same. I prefere the second option.


but you should write like this (watch the brackets at the last 2 lines)

  local Home = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}
  local Away = {"Global", "PresentState", "Away"}
  local Light = {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
  local Dark = {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"} 
  local HomeDark = {Home, Dark}
  local HomeLight = {Home, Light} 

With this modification, in GEA, you will have  to write

GEA.add( HomeDark , ...)

It is up to you but becarefull with brackets.

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All, thank you for teaching me the basics, however Im not able to make it operational.

I now have the following made


  local Home = {"Global", "PresentState", "Home"}
  local Light = {"Global", "LuxHome", "2"}
  local Dark = {"Global", "LuxHome", "0"}
  local HomeLight = {Home, Light}
  local HomeDark = {Home, Dark}
  GEA.add( HomeDark, 1, "", {
    {"turnOn", 558}
  GEA.add( HomeLight, 1, "", {
    {"turnOff", 558}
and I get the following debug
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] Run : checking (ID: 1) [turnOn,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] Check : starting checking (ID: 1) [turnOn,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] Check : checking dates (ID: 1) [turnOn,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] isActivated : activation checking (ID: 1) [turnOn,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] isActivated : type : global variable (ID: 1) [turnOn,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: isActivated : 'if' checking
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: isActivated : type : global variable
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: isActivated : activated
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] isActivated : activated (ID: 1) [turnOn,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] Run : checking (ID: 2) [turnOff,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] Check : starting checking (ID: 2) [turnOff,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] Check : checking dates (ID: 2) [turnOff,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] isActivated : activation checking (ID: 2) [turnOff,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] isActivated : type : global variable (ID: 2) [turnOff,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: isActivated : 'if' checking
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: isActivated : type : global variable
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: !CANCEL! isActivated: desactivated
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] !CANCEL! isActivated: 'if' stop the check (ID: 2) [turnOff,558] [if..]
[DEBUG] 16:39:06: [ PresentState=Home ] !CANCEL! isActivated: desactivated (ID: 2) [turnOff,558] [if..]
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Can you please send me your full script at I will have a look. I need yours because we may not have the same version.


And just explain me in the mail how your global variables are changed (or not ;) ) so I will be able to test it correctly.

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Je cherche à  modifier le temps déclenchement d'une tâche GEA en fonction d'une variable numérique.

Avez-vous une astuce ou est ce que ce n'est pas faisable :o ?

ma_variable_numerique = 1

GEA.add(true , {ma_variable_numerique}*60, "test", {{"Repeat"}})

Déclenchement toutes les minutes

Merci d'avance

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