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New - Raspberry Pi 3 - Model B À 38€

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UK pas de pb de douane :)

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Pour ceux qui ont commandé sur ThePiHut :


Greetings from ThePiHut!


I just wanted to drop you an email to explain our current order situation.


With the overwhelming success of the Raspberry Pi3, we're currently working on getting all order picked, packed and shipped, however our dispatch times are sadly suffering (usually, we're able to ship within 12 hours of ordering!)


To put things into perspective, in the past 48 hours we have received what was roughly a months orders. To counteract this, and make sure that your order is dispatched as soon as humanly possible, we have brought in a temporary workforce to help us with the picking&packing of orders.


As soon as your order ships, we'll send you a confirmation email.


I'm getting a lot of emails regarding the Pi3 being on back order on the site (each email received is preventing me from packing more orders), and I wanted to help explain this -
> If your order was placed before 7pm (GMT) on 29/02/16 - rest assured that your order has not gone onto back order and the stock is here in our warehouse, we'll be shipping it out as soon as humanly possible.

> If your order was placed after 7pm (GMT) on 29/02/16 - please note that the "buy" button was swapped for a "Back Order" option, we're expecting more Raspberry Pi 3 early next week, and your order will be shipped from this batch.


Just a final note to say thank-you for your support and understanding


Kindest Regards,
Jamie Mann - Owner, ThePiHut


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Bonne surprise! Le mien commandé chez m'attendais devant la porte ce soir en rentrant :-)

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Reçu aujourd'hui ,manque plus que le reste ,boîtier ,l'alimentation ects ...

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J'ai reçu le RPi3

Un détail : le lecteur de carte microSD a changé par rapport àla version 2 : plus de système "ressort"

Vous avez constaté la même chose ?

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je n'ai pas encore reçu, mais c'est listé comme une des nouveautés en effet :) J'imagine que ça évité l'éjection malencontreuse.

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Problème : ils ne livrent pas la pince à  épiler avec, pour retirer la microSD (surtout lorsque le RPi3 est dans une boîte)  :)

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J'ai reçu le mien aujourd'hui. Effectivement le support micro SD a changé. Pas pratique ....

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Et bien moi j'ai enfin trouvé une vrai utilité pour mon raspberry V1, gestion de mes onduleurs APC via USB ^^.

Me reste qu'a trouver comment remonter mes info sur la box ^^.

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