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Messages posté(e)s par Sankotronic


    Tempest Weather station QA brings complete integration of Tempest weather station to HC3, HC3Lite and Yubii Home users.



    • Fibaro HC3, HC3Lite or Yubii Home with firmware 5.150 or greater

    • One or more Tempest Weather station



    • Complete integration of Tempest weather station with HC3, HC3Lite and Yubii Home

    • Automatically changes measurement units and recalculates them when user change the units in the mobile app.

    • After adding child QA by using button on main QA user can remove unwanted ones. Removed child QA can be added again.

    • Has button for manually update QA.

    • QA has built in multi-language support with 32 languages included. QA can use HC selected language or user can select any other available language.



    • Tempest Weather station QA v1.1 Standalone
    • Tempest Weather station QA User manual v1.0EN


    Download from Fibaro marketplace:

    Download from Fibaro forum:


    • 1.0 - first public release as open source.






    Enjoy coding and your new Tempest weather station QA! :-)


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  2. Hello all,


    There is solution for Sonos TTS for both HC2 and HC3 that requires installation of on e.g. Raspberry PI, but it gives full control over your Sonos speakers including TTS notifications.


    For HC2 there is Sonos API Player VD Standalone that can be downloaded from Fibaro Forum download section:

    For HC3 family there is Sonos API Player QA Standalone that can be downloaded from Fibaro Forum download section:


    Both packages also contain User manual for easy setup and isntructions how to use them from other VD, QA and scenes. Both solutions are tested with the latest Sonos OS S2 version 16.2 (build 79.0-52294) and hardware versions,,, and Roam


    Both solutions support Sonos favorites for unlimited number of radio stations and playlists, TTS notifications etc.


    • Like 3
  3. Hello all,


    For those who are looking for Netatmo weather station and Netatmo air quaility (coach) integrations to HC3 that just works, please check here:


    Netatmo air quality on Fibaro marketplace:

    Netatmo Weather st. on Fibaro marketplace:


    They are also available on Fibaro forum download section:

    Netatmo air quality:

    Netatmo Weather st.:


    Netatmo Weather station QA supports more than one station including all additional indoor modules, rain gauge and wind gauge.

    Netatmo Air Quality monitor QA will find all coach modules in your home and add to the HC3.


    Both solutions use new Netatmo Oauth2. User just need to add app for each QA and generate tokens that need to be pasted to QA local variables together with client ID and secret that is valid for the app added on Netatmo developer site:



    • Like 4
  4. Hi @TitiXsi,


    first of all sorry for my English which is as it is, but French I know just a few phrases. Thank you for this QA. I have Enphase Envoy S metered EU with two clamps. Your QA is almost up to the task. problem is that I have errors that are reported regularly:


    [28.04.2024] [14:59:06] [ERROR] [QA_ENPHASE_47]: Enphase:postEnphaseAPI() HTTP Status code = 500
    [28.04.2024] [14:59:06] [ERROR] [QA_ENPHASE_47]: Can't get new token : HTTP Status code = 500

    Also, I setup icons, but they are not set properly:



    Icons are added using Enphase main QA. Maybe I did something wrong since this forum was not accessible for me for some time so I wasn't able to read all posts?


    Also, it would be nice that Child-Balance Today is added and calculated from:

    today imported - (today production - today consumed) = today exported

    etc. Also, it is not so hard to check value of the measurements and depending on value change unit W to kW to W and also Wh to kWh to MWh to kWh to Wh :)


    BTW - I did try to go through your code and I must agree with @Daniel Plantings that is too complicated. All I wanted is to add printing some statuses to the QA log and changing units depending on measured values, but it seems that will be easier to write my own QA :)


    Kind regards from Croatia


  5. il y a 3 minutes, Krikroff a dit :

    you think about what services?


    I haven't really looking for other services until yesterday stopped working with Sonos remote VD. For first time our Angelina is speechless :( 

    I was thinking one of these services if it is possible:

    • Google
    • Microsoft Bing Text to Speech API
    • AWS Polly

    I like and prefer your solution that does not need Rasp PI and external solution. Sonos remote VD lacks only this two possibilities to be best of the best:

    1. more choice for TTS
    2. group/ungroup speakers

    Thank you and apologies to bother you with question that was maybe already asked.


  6. Hi everyone,


    I have Fibaro HC2 with FW 4.090 and included 66 devices at the moment with more to come. I started with home automation 9 months ago and still learning. I started immediately with LUA skipping block scenes. I don't speak French unfortunately but with some help from Google brother I hope I will manage my way here. I'm also member of Fibaro international forum.


    Wish you all the best with your home automation, more pleasure and less headache!

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