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HC2 & HCL - Version 4.113 - BETA - 16/03/2017


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Version 4.113 Beta


This update features migration process from version 3.600, reconfiguring every device, adjusting them for changes which took place in the system. This will assure a possibly smooth transition and continuous operation, allowing each device to work with old settings until reconfiguration is done. Please, refer to the message that appears in the interface and Notification Center for further instructions after finishing upgrade.



Updating from version 3.600 may take up to 30 minutes. Do not restart controller during update process.


Resolved issues:

- Firmware Update section is hidden from the devices configuration,

- Weather plugins force the data refresh.


Version 4.112 Beta


Resolved issues:

- Incorrect redirect after an update.

- It is not possible to create scene with weather or weather plugins as a condition.

- Information about the status change of some devices (e.g. Wall Plug) are not displayed in the event panel.

- Devices with unticked "Show measurement of energy consumption" option are counted in the global power measurement.

- You cannot edit the location points in the location panel.

- No possibility of a simultaneous change in many blockade parameters of KeyFob.

- Central Scene Events are sent twice.

- Sending an unsupported action to a device can cause a crash of the Z-Wave service.


New devices support:

- Eurotronics Comet Z.

- Eurotronics Stella Z.

- Philio Technology Corp Multisensor PST02.

- Philio Technology Corp PAN06.

- Domitech LLC Smart LED Retrofit Kit ZE27EU.


Other improvements:

- The view of system update is now similar to configuration Wizard.


Version 4.111 Beta


Resolved issues:

- Heating and cooling panels don't work with FGWP102 as an actor.

- Problem with LUA code execution in virtual devices.

- Lack of wind unit in API.

- Z-Wave network reset doesn't delete device notifications.

- Mobile devices containing Polish special characters in names are wrongly displayed.

- Update hangs up.

- Scale for power consumption is not displayed for RGBW.

- Dashboard always displays sunday.

- #0002626 deselecting notification of a low battery.

- Weather can't be used as a condition in block scenes.

- #0004014 Manual and holiday time rounds temperature sent to devices.

- Unification of time display in the web interface.

- Minor graphic fixes.


Other improvements:

- Fibaro Keyfob - the ability to use key sequences for executing the action in system. The ability to block device with key and unblock it with key sequence.

- Magic scenes for devices which use Scene Controller or Scene Activation - the ability to add scenes in the configuration of device supporting Central Scene or Scene Activation. Devices already existing in Home Center require soft reconfiguration, after reconfiguration you will have new configuration options.

- Remote support on demand - feature is default off, in LAN settings tab you can grant possibility to enable remote connection for Fibaro Support.

- Functionality of temperature measurments export (CSV file) in temperature panel.





- Drag & Drop for devices and scenes - available on home, devices and rooms screens. Assigning devices to rooms and changing its order is now much easier and faster.

- Temperature Panel - allows to see history of temperature changes in rooms and on each device.

- Diagnostic Panel - general information about HC working condition like CPU & RAM usage, free space on hard drive. Will be extended in future versions.

- Soft Device Reconfiguration - option allows to save settings, parameters and device ID. Thanks to that scenes with reconfigurable device will not require editing. Full reconfiguration will remove and add the device to the Z-Wave network, resulting in the loss of its settings, parameters and change the device ID..

- Mesh Network Reconfiguration - available on Configuration -> Z-Wave Network

- New Z-Wave engine - redesigned and rewritten from the scratch. Now is faster and has better support for devices.

- Z-Wave Door Locks support - controlling and PIN settings.

- Thermostats - extended controlling for thermostats from manufacturers like: Honeywell, Trane Corporation.

- Extended tamper for sensors - exclusive information for motion detection and violation of sensors.

- Fibaro Smoke Sensor extended support - level of smoke and gap to alarm level is reported and visible on charts. Sensitivity level is now easier to set.

- Fibro Motion Sensor new device - when seismometer mode is turned on new device reporting tremors is available. Charts for temperature and illuminance. Additionally information about sensor violation.

- Device hiding - device that is not in use can be hide without removing it.

- Device deactivation - deactivated device is visible in UI but can't be controlled.

- Multithreading added for HC (server and z-wave) - now engines work much faster.

- Event panel moved - for better usability now is available in menu on right side of screen.

- Pre-Update Confirmation - installing update will prompt user additional confirmation.

- Added support for American English (EN-US)

- User rights management - moved to Configuration.

- Recovery Memory Health - can be checked on Backup & Recovery

- Backups has information about compatibility with current HC version

- Block scenes improvements - for device only available actions are visible, scene activation block added and logical conditions grouping using brackets.

- Lua Scenes - updated tool-tips for devices.

- Rest API Active Documentation - documentation and ability to test REST API requests, access at HOME_CENTER_IP/docs




- Plugins are grouped in categories: Safety, Cameras, Climate, Multimedia, Others

- Plugins search

- Network devices search via ARP


Plugins category Safety:

- Modular Alarm


Plugins category Cameras:

- more than 130 devices from various manufacturers


Plugin category Climate:

- Carrier Furance

- WS Davis Vantage

- Nest - plugin for well-known thermostat

- Netatmo - plugin for thermostat and weather station from netatmo


Plugins category Multimedia

- LG Bluray

- LG TV*

- NC + mediabox, compatible devices: mediaBOX+ (ITI-3740SX, ADB-3740SX) and turboBOX+ (ITI-5720SX, ADB-5720SX)

- XBMC Remote Control

- Denon Amplifier

- LG Bluray

- Onkyo Amplifier

- Philips Bluray

- Pioneer Amplifier

- Samsung TV*

- Sonos

- Sony Bluray

- Sony TV*

- Logitech Harmony

- DENON HEOS 3/link

- Russound X5 Controller

- Nuvo Gateway/NV-P3100/NV-P3500/P100/P200


* some TV Sets firmware version may not be supported


Plugins category Other

- Philips Hue

- Wake on LAN

- Planika Fireplace


Other changes, many other improvements to the system.

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C'est fait ... nouvelle interface de téléchargement ... et toujours mon 503 au redémarrage... Enfin ça tourne ...  en client grincheux je dirais qu'ils ne se sont pas foulés sur les nouveautés ... sans doute pour la prochaine version :)

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Bon pour l'instant j'ai plein de trucs bizarres, je sais ce n'ai pas très précis comme commentaire mais c'est plutôt de l'ordre du ressenti, dans le factuel, j'ai eu les f.k blue balls qui tournent à donf, voir rien du tout enfin un bel écran noir après être rentré dans l'advance menu d'un module non configuré et même après reboot et y être retourné et là un énième reboot car plus de devices après une tite inclusion. Bon ils sont reviendu mais un p'tit coup de stress quand même. après c'est plus sur la GUI que ça reste plus subjectif, je suis habitué à une bonne réactivité et puis là bof. 

Restons positifs et j'attends de jouer encore un peu avec pour voir ce que cela donne.

pour la petite histoire sur le fofo officiel, un beta testeur connu là-bas à fait remarqué que l'update firmware avait disparu de la 4.112 mais était bizarrement dans la 4.113 qu'il avait entre les mains à ce moment là, A.Socha répond qu'il faut passer sur le root device pour la mise à jour, ce sur quoi le "beta testeur" et moi même répondons que non, qu'il y a un souci. 

bref pourquoi je dis ça c'est que l'update d'aujourd'hui dit corriger le problème, ce qui est juste, mais à priori ça n'a pas été fait exprès. Je pense qu'il n'y a pas que la jolie mire de MAJ dans cette version mais ils sont un peu cachotiers chez fibaro ou je suis parano ou les deux d'ailleurs :2:

pour les curieux de la petite histoire:

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Mise à jour passée sans encombre.


@jmg38 c'est normal qu'il n'y ait pas d'évolution. Normalement le processus serait pour l'evolution de versions :


Beta (correction de bugs version précédente + nouvelles fonctionnalités)

Autres beta avec uniquement correction des bugs remontés


Etc ...

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Pendant la mise à jour, j'ai eu une coupure d'electricité... Depuis ma HCL n'arrive plus à booter. Ni le mode normal, ni le recovery n'arrive à reconnaitre un élément. Sur ma livebox, elle ne voit pas HCL branchée en ethernet, et le soft fibaro finder ne la trouve pas non plus...


Comment forcer un mode recovery autrement qu'avec les point power et + ?


Merci d'avance pour votre aide pour résoudre mon soucis...

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