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Yams Wu - Yet Another Meteo Station (Wunderground Version)


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Voilà , le code est enfin correct, je le partage donc.

Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps ce soir, mais voici 2-3 points:

- Ce VD crée automagiquement 3 Variables globales (si demandé dans les options)

- Ce VD est multilingue

- Ce VD fait des push de la météo à  deux moments de la journée

- CE VD s'adapte aux mobiles et à  l'interface web

- Ce VD télécharge automagiquement les icônes

- Ce VD a besoin d'une clef APi de Wunderground, 

- La partie mobile du VD n'est pas encore complètement terminée.


Merci à  Jompa68 de pour le code de base


Pour l'installer:

- Téléchargez le vfib attaché et importez le dans la HC2

- Changer l'icône du slider avec l'icône attachée:


- Utilisez le dernier code disponible sur github:

Qui ajoute la création de VG qui contiendront la météo prononçable par une synthèse vocale comme S.A.R.A.H.:

et placez-le dans le main loop du VFIB (V3.9) attaché à  ce message


- Changez l'api key.

   Pour cela, créez un compte wunderground et allez la récupérer ici:

WU.APIkey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

- Ensuite définissez les variables suivantes:

WU.PWS = "IGVLEBOR5"                 -- The PWS location to get data from (Personal Weather Station)
WU.LOCID = "SWXX0076"                -- The location ID to get data from (City location)
WU.station = "PWS"                   -- Choose your prefered method to retrieve from: PWS or LOCID

Personnellement je préfère utiliser les infos d'une pws près de chez moi.

Pour trouver ces variables:


@bono2007 écrivait:

Pour trouver, j'ai eu la station PWS en cliquant dans "Search locations" sur Wunderground, on te propose "search nearest station", et il a proposé une station météo proche. 

Sinon en entrant ta ville, tu peux cliquer sur "change Station" et tu verras une carte avec d'autres stations météo. 

Exemple : j'ai entré "Boussois" et j'ai comme station météo "Cit du Grand Bois, Récquignies ( IRECQUIG2)

J'ai modifié WU.PWS = "IRECQUIG2"



Et tout devrait fonctionner :-)

Virtual device avec code V3.7 (ancien à  remplacer !!! )


Virtual device avec code V3.9


Voici les dernières captures d'écran pour avoir une idée:

à  gauche en mode Browser Web, à  droite en mode Mobile (les icônes ne sont pas téléchargeables)

22-11-15 02-18-45.png


Attention, ancien code ci-dessous !

-- WU WeatherData - Fetch weather data from Multilanguage support!
-- Original Code by Jonny Larsson 2015
-- forked by Sébastien Jauquet 11/2015
-- Inspired by GEA(steven), stevenvd, Krikroff and many other users.
-- Source -, and worldwideweb
-- Version 3.7
-- PWS = Personal Weather Station
-- LOCID = Public station
-- 2014-03-22 - Permissions granted from Krikroff 
-- 2014-03-23 - Added rain and forecast, Added FR language. 
-- 2014-03-23 - Language variable changed to get the translation from in forcast
-- 2014-03-24 - Added PL language
-- 2014-03-24 - Select between PWS or LOCID to download weather data
-- 2015-10-23 - New source code.

-- 2015-11-13 - V3.0 - Fork Code by Sebastien Jauquet (3 days forecast, rain in mm)
-- 2015-11-14 - V3.1 - Compatibilty with GEA, French translation
-- 2015-11-14 - V3.2 - Catch rain errors (-999mm null empty etc.)
-- 2015-11-14 - V3.3 - Catch json decode error (was stopping main loop) with pcall (can be extended to other jdon datas if needed)
-- 2015-11-16 - V3.4 - Generate HTML and non HTML version (for compatibility with mobiles)
-- 2015-11-18 - V3.5 - Fixed bug not updating Meteo_Day becaus was only updated at first launch
-- 2015-11-18 - V3.6 - Merged some changes from jompa new version
-- 2015-11-18 - 		Added autmatic creation of Global Variables if not existing
-- 2015-11-19 - V3.7 - Modify schedule management and CleanUp code
-- Look for nearest station here:

WU = {}
-- WU settings
WU.APIkey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"		        -- Put your WU api key here
WU.PWS = "IGVLEBOR5" 				-- The PWS location to get data for (Personal Weather Station)
WU.LOCID = "SWXX0076" 				-- The location ID to get data for (City location)
WU.station = "PWS" 				-- PWS or LOCID
-- Other settings
WU.translation = {true}
WU.language = "FR";				-- EN, FR, SW, PL (default is en)
WU.smartphoneID = 1347				-- your smartphone ID
WU.sendPush = true				-- send forecast as push message
WU.push_fcst1 = "07:00"				-- time when forecast for today will be pushed to smartphone
WU.push_fcst2 = "18:15"				-- time when forecast for tonight will be pushed to smartphone
WU.GEA = true					-- subst % with %% when storing in the VG's (because gea bug with % in push messages)
WU.CreateVG = true				-- will atomaticaly create global variables at first run if = true
updateEvery = 30				-- get data every xx minutes
WU.startTime = os.time()
WU.scheduler = os.time()+60*updateEvery
WU.currentDate ="*t"); ="%H:%M");
DoNotRecheckBefore = os.time()
WU.selfId = fibaro:getSelfId()
WU.version = "3.7"

WU.translation["EN"] = {
	Push_forecast = "Push forecast",
	Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
	Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
	Last_updated = "Last updated",
	Temperature = "Temperature",
	Humidity = "Humidity",
	Pressure = "Pressure",
	Wind = "Wind",
	Rain = "Rain",
	Forecast = "Forecast",
	Station = "Station",
	Fetched = "Fetched",
	Data_processed = "Data processed",
	Update_interval = "Next update will be in (min)",
	No_data_fetched = "No data fetched",
	NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "No stationID found",
	NO_DATA_FOUND = "No data found"
WU.translation["FR"] = {
	Push_forecast = "Push des prévisions",
	Exiting_loop_slider = "Sortie de boucle (Slider Changé)",
	Exiting_loop_push = "Sortie de boucle (Pour Push)",
	Last_updated = "Mise à  jour",
	Temperature = "Actuellement",
	Humidity = "Hum",
	Pressure = "Pression",
	Wind = "Vent",
	Rain = "Pluie",
	Forecast = "Prévisions pour ce",
	Station = "Station",
	Fetched = "Données Reçues",
	Data_processed = "Données mises à  jour",
	Update_interval = "Prochaine Mise à  jour prévue dans (min)",
	No_data_fetched = "Pas de données reçues !!",
	NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "StationID non trouvée !!",
	NO_DATA_FOUND = "Pas de données disponibles !!"
WU.translation["SW"] = {
	Push_forecast = "Push forecast",
	Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
	Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
	Last_updated = "Last updated",
	Temperature = "Temperatur",
	Humidity = "Fuktighet",
	Pressure = "Barometer",
	Wind = "Vind",
	Rain = "Regn",
	Forecast = "Prognos",
	Station = "Station",
	Fetched = "Hà¤mtat",
	Data_processed = "All data processat",
	Update_interval = "Nà¤sta uppdatering à¤r om (min)",
	No_data_fetched = "Inget data hà¤mtat",
	NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "StationID ej funnet",
	NO_DATA_FOUND = "Ingen data hos WU"
WU.translation["PL"] = {
	Push_forecast = "Push prognoza",
	Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
	Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
	Last_updated = "Last updated",
	Temperature = "Temperatura",
	Humidity = "Wilgotnosc",
	Pressure = "Pressure",
	Wind = "Wiatr",
	Rain = "Rain",
	Forecast = "Forecast",
	Station = "Station",
	Fetched = "Fetched",
	Data_processed = "Data processed",
	No_data_fetched = "No data fetched",
	Update_interval = "Next update will be in (min)",
	NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "No stationID found",
	NO_DATA_FOUND = "No data found"
WU.translation["NL"] = {
	Push_forecast = "Push verwachting",
	Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
	Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
	Last_updated = "Last updated",
	Temperature = "Temperatuur",
	Humidity = "Vochtigheid",
	Pressure = "Druk",
	Wind = "Wind",
	Rain = "Regen",
	Forecast = "Verwachting",
	Station = "Weerstation",
	Fetched = "Ontvangen",
	Data_processed = "Gegevens verwerkt",
	Update_interval = "Volgende update in (min)",
	No_data_fetched = "Geen gegevens ontvangen",
	NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "Geen stationID gevonden",
	NO_DATA_FOUND = "Geen gegevens gevonden"
WU.translation["DE"] = {
	Push_forecast = "Push vorhersage",
	Exiting_loop_slider = "Exiting loop earlier (Slider Changed)",
	Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting loop earlier (For push)",
	Last_updated = "Last updated",
	Temperature = "Temperatur",
	Humidity = "Luftfeuchtigkeit",
	Pressure = "Luftdruck",
	Wind = "Wind",
	Rain = "Regen",
	Forecast = "Vorhersage",
	Station = "Station",
	Fetched = "Abgerufen",
	Data_processed = "Daten verarbeitet",
	No_data_fetched = "Keine Daten abgerufen",
	Update_interval = "Das nà¤chste Update in (min)",
	NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "Keine stationID gefunden",
	NO_DATA_FOUND = "Keine Daten gefunden"

Debug = function ( color, message )
	fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span"));
WU.createGlobalIfNotExists = function (varName, defaultValue)
	if (fibaro:getGlobal(varName) == "") then
		Debug("red", "Global Var: "..varName.." HAS BEEN CREATED")
		newVar = {} = varName
		HC2 = Net.FHttp("", 11111)
		HC2:POST("/api/globalVariables", json.encode(newVar))
WU.substPercent = function(doublePercentSymbol)
	if 	WU.GEA then
		doublePercentSymbol = string.gsub(doublePercentSymbol, "%%.", "%%%%")
	return doublePercentSymbol
WU.cleanJson = function(jsontocheck,returnIfTrue)
	if jsontocheck == "-999.00" or jsontocheck == "--" or jsontocheck == json.null then
	jsontocheck = returnIfTrue
		local ok = pcall(function()
			testConcatenate = "Test Concatenate: " .. jsontocheck -- test for non concatenate value
			end )
		if (not ok) then
			decode_error = true
			Debug( "red", "decode raised an error")
			fibaro:call(WU.smartphoneID , "sendPush", "decode error in WU Meteo")
	return jsontocheck
WU.HtmlColor = function(StringToColor,color)
	if MobileDisplay == false then 
	StringToColor= "<font color=\""..color.."\"> "..StringToColor.."</font>"
	return StringToColor
WU.IconOrText = function(icon,txt)
	if MobileDisplay == false then 
	IconOrText = "<img src="..icon.."\>"
	IconOrText = txt
	return IconOrText
WU.getSlider = function()
	ValeurSliderfunct = fibaro:getValue(WU.selfId , "ui.WebOrMobile.value")
	return tonumber(ValeurSliderfunct)
WU.setSlider = function(position)
	fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.WebOrMobile.value", position)
	return WU.getSlider()
WU.checkMobileOrWeb = function()
	ValeurSliderSleep = WU.getSlider() -- check slider value at first run
	if ValeurSliderSleep <= 50 then 
		if ValeurSliderSleep == 1 then
		MobileDisplay = false
		MobileDisplay = false
		WU.runDirect = 1
		sleepAndcheckslider = 20*updateEvery -- exit wait loop
		Debug("orange", WU.translation[WU.language]["Exiting_loop_slider"]);
		WU.setSlider(1) -- désactive le run immediat lors du prochain test
	if ValeurSliderSleep >= 50 then
		if ValeurSliderSleep == 98 then
		MobileDisplay = true		
		WU.runDirect = 1
		sleepAndcheckslider = 20*updateEvery -- exit wait loop
		Debug("orange", WU.translation[WU.language]["Exiting_loop_slider"]);
		WU.setSlider(98) -- désactive le run immediat lors du prochain test
  return WU.getSlider()
WU.fetchWU = function()
decode_error = false
local WGROUND = Net.FHttp("",80);
local response ,status, err = WGROUND:GET("/api/"..WU.APIkey.."/conditions/forecast/lang:"..WU.language.."/q/"..WU.station..":"..locationID..".json");
if (tonumber(status) == 200 and tonumber(err)==0) then
	Debug( "cyan", WU.translation[WU.language]["Fetched"])
	if (response ~= nil) then ="%H:%M")
		jsonTable = json.decode(response);
		if jsonTable.response.error ~= nil then
			Debug( "red", WU.translation[WU.language]["NO_DATA_FOUND"])
		stationID = jsonTable.current_observation.station_id;
		humidity = jsonTable.current_observation.relative_humidity
		temperature = jsonTable.current_observation.temp_c
		pression = jsonTable.current_observation.pressure_mb
		wind = jsonTable.current_observation.wind_kph
		rain = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.current_observation.precip_today_metric,"0")
		weathericon = jsonTable.current_observation.icon_url
		fcstday1 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].title -- Day meteo
			fcst1 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].fcttext_metric
			fcst1icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].icon_url
			fcst1SmallTxt = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].conditions
			fcst1Tmax = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].high.celsius
			fcst1Tmin = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].low.celsius
			fcst1avewind =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.kph
			fcst1avewinddir =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.dir
			fcst1mm = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1],"0")
		fcstday2 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].title -- Evening Meteo
			fcst2 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].fcttext_metric
			fcst2icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].icon_url
			fcst2SmallTxt = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].conditions
			fcst2Tmax = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].high.celsius
			fcst2Tmin = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].low.celsius
			fcst2avewind =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].avewind.kph
			fcst2avewinddir =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].avewind.dir
			fcst2mm = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1],"0")
		fcstday3 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[3].title -- Tomorrow
			fcst3 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[3].fcttext_metric
			fcst3icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].icon_url
			fcst3SmallTxt = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].conditions
			fcst3Tmax = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].high.celsius
			fcst3Tmin = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].low.celsius
			fcst3avewind =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.kph
			fcst3avewinddir =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.dir
			fcst3mm = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2],"0")
		fcstday5 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[5].title -- In 2 days
			fcst5 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[5].fcttext_metric
			fcst5icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].icon_url
			fcst5SmallTxt = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].conditions
			fcst5Tmax = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].high.celsius
			fcst5Tmin = jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].low.celsius
			fcst5avewind =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.kph
			fcst5avewinddir =jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].avewind.dir
			fcst5mm = WU.cleanJson(jsonTable.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3],"0")

		if (stationID ~= nil) and decode_error == false  then
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblStation.value", locationID);
			if temperature < 5 then
			cTemperature = WU.HtmlColor(temperature,"blue")
			elseif temperature > 18 then
			cTemperature = WU.HtmlColor(temperature,"red")
			cTemperature = WU.HtmlColor(temperature,"yellow")
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblTempHum.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Temperature"]..": "..cTemperature.." °C - "..WU.translation[WU.language]["Humidity"]..": "..humidity);
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblWindRain.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Wind"]..": "..wind.." km/h - "..WU.translation[WU.language]["Rain"]..": "..rain.." mm");
			if ( >= "00:00" and <= "15:59") then -- donne meteo du jour entre 00:00 (ou 3h) et 15:59. permet de garder la météo du soir jusqu'a 3h du matin, sinon change à  minuit
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..WU.HtmlColor(fcstday1,"yellow")..": "..WU.HtmlColor(fcst1.." ("..fcst1mm.." mm)","green"));
			fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Day", WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..fcstday1..": ".." "..fcst1.." ("..fcst1mm.." mm)") );
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst1icon,fcst1SmallTxt));
			elseif ( >= "16:00" and <= "23:59") then  -- donne meteo soirée entre 16:00 et 23:59
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..WU.HtmlColor(fcstday2,"yellow")..": "..WU.HtmlColor(fcst2.." ("..fcst2mm.." mm)","green"));
			fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Day", WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..fcstday2..": ".." "..fcst2.." ("..fcst2mm.." mm)") );
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst2icon,fcst2SmallTxt));
			-- Meteo of Tomorrow
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcstTomorrow.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..WU.HtmlColor(fcstday3,"yellow")..": "..WU.HtmlColor(fcst3.." ("..fcst3mm.." mm)","green"));
			fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_Tomorrow", WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..fcstday3..": ".." "..fcst3.." ("..fcst3mm.." mm)") );
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIconTomorrow.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst3icon,fcst3SmallTxt));
			-- Meteo in 2 Days
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst2Days.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..WU.HtmlColor(fcstday5,"yellow")..": "..WU.HtmlColor(fcst5.." ("..fcst5mm.." mm)","green"));
			fibaro:setGlobal("Meteo_In_2_Days", WU.substPercent(WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..fcstday5..": ".." "..fcst5.." ("..fcst5mm.." mm)") );
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon2Days.value",WU.IconOrText(fcst5icon,fcst5SmallTxt));
			if WU.sendPush then
				if ("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst1) then --
					fibaro:call(WU.smartphoneID , "sendPush", fcstday1.." - "..fcst1) -- envoie meteo du matin
				elseif ("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst2) then
					fibaro:call(WU.smartphoneID , "sendPush", fcstday2.." - "..fcst2) -- envoie meteo du soir
			if WU.sendPush then
				fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblNotify.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Push_forecast"].."  = true");
			else fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblNotify.value",WU.translation[WU.language]["Push_forecast"].."  = false");
			WU.scheduler = os.time()+updateEvery*60
			fibaro:call(WU.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.lblUpdate.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Last_updated"]..": ""%c"));
			Debug( "cyan", WU.translation[WU.language]["Data_processed"])
			Debug( "white", WU.translation[WU.language]["Update_interval"].." "..updateEvery)
		Debug( "red", WU.translation[WU.language]["NO_STATIONID_FOUND"])
	fibaro:debug("status:" .. status .. ", errorCode:" .. errorCode);
sleepAndcheckslider = 0
while sleepAndcheckslider <= 20*updateEvery do
	sleepAndcheckslider = sleepAndcheckslider+1
	if (DoNotRecheckBefore <= os.time()) and ((WU.scheduler == os.time) or ("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst1) or ("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst2)) then
		Debug("orange", WU.translation[WU.language]["Exiting_loop_push"]);
		DoNotRecheckBefore = os.time()+60
		sleepAndcheckslider = 20*updateEvery

Debug( "orange", "WU Weather - Original LUA Scripting by Jonny Larsson 2015");
Debug( "orange", "YAMS WU - Fork by Sébastien Jauquet 11/2015");
Debug( "orange", "Version: "..WU.version);
if WU.station == "LOCID" then
	locationID = WU.LOCID
	WU.station == "PWS" then
	locationID = WU.PWS	
if WU.CreateVG then
	WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_Day", "")
	WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_Tomorrow", "")
	WU.createGlobalIfNotExists("Meteo_In_2_Days", "")
while true do 


  • Upvote 13
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Je viens de tester rapidement et je n'arrive pas à  trouver l'ID qu'il faut renseigner dans WU.LOCID.

J'ai essayé pleins de trucs trouvés dans les URLS ou autre mais j'ai toujours la séquence :


[DEBUG] 11:48:59: Données Reçues

[DEBUG] 11:48:59: Pas de données disponibles !!

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Invité chris6783

Pas encore testé mais ça a l'air abouti et le plus automatisé possible àinstaller.

Bravo & Merci

Envoyé de mon SM-G850F en utilisant Tapatalk

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Content de voir que ça plaît :)


- Je découvre seulement maintenant que jompa68 fait partie des membres de ce forum... alors que j'ai été le chercher sur le forum officiel  :P  !

- personnellement les résultats sont plus précis en utilisant la méthode PWS, ce serait intéressant si on avais un retour après quelques semaines de chacun.

- je vais ajouter l'icône, elle me plait bien :-)

- concernant la version mobile, je me tâte...

      Je pensais à  présenter chaque jour comme ceci:


Ligne 1:                                                                            Jeudi: Pluie

Ligne 2: (MinT°-MaxT°) Vitesse max vent, mm de pluie + %age pluie


Qu'en pensez-vous ?


Question couleurs, si quelqu'un a des suggestion plus harmonieuse, je prends.

@jompa68 avait prévu un changement de couleur pour les T° (bleu= froid, rouge = chaud, jaune = tempéré)

Voici (à  priori) la palette utilisable:


- Concernant GEA, si vous avez des lignes gea.add sympa, postez-les, voici les miennes:

-- Météo soir poussée, moins de 30s après retour à  la maison (si away pendant au moins 30 minutes)
  isLongAwayOff = false
GEA.add(estAway, 30*60, "", {{"function",function() isLongAwayOff = true end}})
GEA.add({estAt_Home,{"Global!", "Meteo_Tomorrow", ""},{"function",function() return isLongAwayOff end}}, 10, "#value[2]#",{{"Time", "16:00", "20:30"},{"Portable", id["PHONE_SEB"]},{"Portable", id["PHONE_GG"]},{"function",function() isLongAwayOff=false end}})
-- Météo matin Instantanée au changement de presentState, si PreviousState=Night_All_Off
GEA.add({est_AtHome_Or_Kids_Sleeping}, -1, "",{{"function",function() fibaro:debug("  ------- waiting 1 s for PrevisousState dependent actions ------") end},{"function",function() fibaro:sleep(1100) end}}) 
GEA.add({est_AtHome_Or_Kids_Sleeping,{"Global!", "Meteo_Day", ""},{"Global", "PreviousState", "Night_All_Off"}}, -1, "#value[2]#",{{"Portable", id["PHONE_SEB"]},{"Portable", id["PHONE_GG"]}})
-- !!!!!!!!!!! LES ACTIONs instantanées placées CI DESSOUS AURONT UN DELAI DE 1,1s A CHAQUE CHANGMENT de PresentState = à  At_Home ou Kids_Sleeping !!!!!!!!!! -------------    

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Tu dois aussi renseigner la station àpartir de laquelle tu veux des infos (dans les paramètres WU). Perso je préfère utiliser les infos d'une pws près de chez moi.

Tu peux récupérer son id dans l'interface de WU sur le web

Sent from my Note4

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ce sont des images téléchargées et affichées par "injection".

C'est possible car c'est une interface web... mais sur l'interface smatrtphone ça bugge, d'ou l'utilité du slider...

Merci àJompa pour cette idée, je ne l'avais jmais vu avant...

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Concernant l'injection de code html dans les VD, c'est pas dis que FIbaro ne le bloque pas un jour. C'est ultra facile pour eux de faire une regex qui filtre tous les tags html; d'ailleurs ils le font pour l'appli mobile.

Ca peut poser des problèmes de sécurité si on commence àinjecter du code Javascript.

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